•𝗦𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗢𝗳 𝗟𝗼𝘀 𝗔𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘀•

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Nikki's POV, July 6th 2008

It was July, the album 'Saints Of Los Angeles' had been released the week before last and me and the rest of the guys were really proud of that album, it was a solid record- I might be putting it on a high pedestal because making it brought Tommy and I back together and because I've been happier making this album than I have been making any music for the last decade but I all that aside I genuinely do like this album and from what the fans are saying, it seems they like it too which also makes me happy.

The last week had been pretty hectic actually, we'd been doing interviews and stuff for promotion, Vince and I had done a couple of chat-shows and daytime TV appearances over the last few weeks, we had a group interview in a couple of days too so I was looking forward to that actually.

But now the album was released we were thinking about the tour, or more like a mini-festival idea we'd been talking with people about it and were arranging dates and stuff now, we had a few other ideas too which I hope to put into action but we'll see what happens.

Right now, Tommy was outside in the backyard sunbathing from what I could see from the bedroom window, I'd been watching him lay out there on one of the sun loungers admiring him- I was meant to be cleaning and I'll finish that job, but I just wanted a second to admire the drummer.

I'm so lucky to have him, he's such a openly loving person, so bubbly and optimistic... he's the total day to my night because I'm reserved and laid back and pessimistic to almost a fault of myself- we shouldn't work, we were so so different when you stripped back the drugs and alcohol from both of us, we really shouldn't work but I'm so glad we do, I'm not sure where I'd be if it wasn't for Tommy Lee.

After standing staring at the drummer for a borderline creepy amount of time I snapped myself out of the trance I'd fallen into and actually got back to the task I had started out on, which was cleaning the room, Tommy was a messy bastard honestly it's like a fucking hurricane has drifted though here, his side of the room is a disaster area while mine is practically spotless because I've learnt the art of picking up after myself.

A talent Tommy had never bothered to learn, god damn do I feel sorry for whatever man or woman he hired to clean this damn place while I wasn't here, that person deserves a fucking raise- hell, I deserve to get paid for picking up after him, I'm older than him, if anything he should be doing this rather than me.

As previously stated, Tommy is more of a princess than Vince, at least Vince cleans his damn house and doesn't get his wife to clean it, not that she would anyway cause she's a bitch but oh well, I'm fairly certain he's filing for divorce from her soon anyway, good for him.

I sighed out of boredom as continued cleaning, and eventually I knelt on the floor and picked up some discarded boxers half under the bed from Tom's half of the room, I rolled my eyes as I find two pairs of socks and three t-shirts along with two pairs of jeans under here too "Tommy, how the fuck does all this shit end up here, where are half of these things even from? It's like these clothes have got magic duplicating powers" I mutter to myself as I stood up and placed the clothes on my arm and left the room having done all the necessary cleaning for now.

When I get downstairs I shoved the clothes I'd discovered into the wash basket before then going to head outside to complain to Tommy.

"Nice to see you're so fucking comfortable" I announced as I began walking up to the drummer who was now reading through a book, the drummer looked over at me and immediately threw the book down, taking off his reading glasses and smiling.

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