I cant be more happy...

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The Morning

I woke up the next day on the sofa with Jade by my side. It took me a second to realize that last night wasn't a dream. I jumped up and got myself some orange juice. I grabbed the clothes Jade had left over my place from the last time we went to the beach. That was when we all got stuck in the RV. God it was so hard hiding my feelings when she was in that bikini. I'm still surprised I managed to keep it together.

I quickly chucked some clothes on and went back downstairs to make breakfast for Jade and I. Before I could even start Trina came running down the stairs as well.

I shushed her before she could even start talking. She looked down to the sofa.

"Why is she here?" she whispered.

"All my friends came to watch a movie last night. Jade fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her."

"OOHHH okay, for a minute I thought the rumors were true haha"

"No, pfft. She hates me!" I had to lie. I couldn't tell her the truth. I didn't even know if Trina knew I was a lesbian. Anyway, Jade wouldn't want me telling a soul what happened.

"Jade can take me too school so you can head off whenever"

"Okay, I'm gonna go now in that case. I'm going to meet some of my mates at the mall before school starts. Byeeee"

With Trina gone I went to wake Jade up.

"Jade, it's half 7. We need to leave for school soon"

"Good morning Vega" Her voice was so soothing. "Please don't say you told that shriek box of a sister about last night?"

"No I didn't I kinda gathered you wouldn't want me to tell anyone. Anyway, here are your clothes from the last time we were at the beach."

"That's where they were. Wait a minute, that vest is gross. Why did I ever wear that? Can I borrow something of yours? Pleaseee" She pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course you can. You don't need to ask. You know where everything is. There should be a spare toothbrush in the bathroom too. We should probably leave around 8 though. Can you take me?"

"Yes, I can" Her smile lit up the room and sent a spark through my heart as she left to get dressed.

She came downstairs wearing some skinny jeans, a fitted t-shirt and my flannel shirt. She looked so good in my clothes. "Vega, quit staring at my boobs and let's head to school" I turned bright red realizing I'd been caught.

"Okay" I chuckled.

We headed into school together. We weren't holding hands though due to the fact the rumors would spread faster than a wild fire. I miss her touch. We've kissed once yet I don't even know how I ever lived without her. 

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