How Could They?

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As we headed into the house Mr and Mrs West were sitting on the sofa. "Why did you bring THAT!" Her father screamed. "THAT is my girlfriend and she isn't leaving."


"But I was allowed to date Beck. There isn't a difference."


The arguing went on for about 20 minutes, Jades crying broke my heart. I hated seeing her so panicked. All of sudden I got a sense something was very wrong. She look paler than ever before "Jade, you are very very pale like more than normal"

"WHY DO YOU CARE. IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Her mother shouted

"I care because she is my girlfriend. And you two should definitely care as she is your daughter!"

"Tori I don't feel we-" She couldn't even finish her sentence before she collapsed into my arms. "Jade, JADE! BABE WAKE UP PLEASE" I started crying. Her parents caused her so much stress she fainted? I looked up at them, but they just walked away.

I waited a minute or so longer waiting for Jade to wake up, stroking her hair. "Jade, please" I cried as I kissed her cheek and finally she sat up. "What happened, where did my parents go?"

"Honey, you fainted and they just left without a care in the world. I can't believe you have to live with this"

"Thank you for staying"

"Why would I ever leave?" I smiled and kissed her cheek but she still looked very pale. "Do you feel sick or anything?"


"Shall we go to the bathroom in case"

"Yes please" She sounded so innocent. It was a side to her I had hardly seen from her. I couldnt believe how stupid her parents could be. I helped her to the bathroom with her head on my shoulder. We sat down next to the toilet. "I'm gonna go get you some water, i'll be back soon i promise" She nodded silently. She looked so ill, I couldn't believe that her parents caused all of this. As I was pouring her drink she shouted my name. I ran so fast into the bathroom you wouldn't believe.

I held her hair back as she was sick. Her parents were who knows where and didn't even care that their daughter was throwing up. I handed her the water. I told her to take a few sips as I cleaned her up. "Are you feeling ok now?" I asked her quietly. I didn't want to startle her after everything that had happened.

"A little, it'll be hard to stay with my parents but I don't think I can drive home. I don't want to ruin your day. Get your sister to take you maybe" I brushed some hair away from her face "I'm not leaving till you literally force me out the house. Are you sure you'll be alright here?"

"It'll be fine"

I helped her up and stood close by in case she fainted again. The first thing we saw when we walked out the bathroom were her parents. With packed bags. "Where are you going?" Jade asked.

"We aren't going anywhere, you are" were they seriously kicking her out? How could they? "W- what?"

"You are no longer welcome in this home" They shouted before throwing the bags at us. Jade started crying even more. It broke my heart. I comforted her as usual and we sat outside with the bags on the doorstep so she could calm down.

I called my mum to come pick us up. It was a risk, but with everything that was happening, neither of us could deal with Trina. I had no clue if my parents were homophobic. I knew they hadn't seen the video, but Trina might have told them. I don't even know if Trina would accept us.

Jade ran back inside to grab her scissor collection. While I was waiting I saw her little brother in the corner of my eye "Hey you!" I said in a higher pitched voice, trying to make sure he was unaware of what was happening. But it seemed It didn't matter. "I'm happy for you guys,'' he whispered. "I'm sorry our parents did this. I need you to know I support you. But I have to play along so I don't get told off." He's so sweet. Neither of them should have to deal with this

"It's fine, Thank you for telling me."

"Where's my sister?"

"She's just grabbing some stuff she needs. Head back inside before your parents catch you talking to me. I'll let Jade know what you said."

"Thank you!" He gave me a hug before heading back inside.

It wasn't long before Jade came back outside. "You got them all?" she nodded before running past. "You ok?"

"Not really" She threw up again as I held her hair and sat her down. "Honey this isn't right. They are making you physically Ill. I'm sorry. Sorry I wasn't there for you sooner" I started crying again. I hated seeing her so hurt. She deserved none of this.

"What am I meant to do Tori? I have no place to live. Nowhere to go."

"You can stay at my place"

"No, I don't want to be a burden to your family as well as my own. They all hate me in there"

"You are staying with me. I don't care what you say, I'm not having you live anywhere else. I can't risk you being hurt ever again. I need to tell you, your brother came over when you were in the house. He told me how he was happy for us. He told me he was sorry about what your parents did." I noticed Jade tearing up and grabbed her hand. "Everything is gonna be ok. I promise."

I ran over to my bag and wetted a cloth to clean her up. Shortly after, my mother showed up. She had no idea we were together, which I was glad about. During the car ride home she fell asleep on my shoulder. It was adorable. I love her. Despite the circumstances, I'm so happy we will be living together.

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