Trina = Bad Timing

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"That is correct" Jade stepped forward. Trina managed to calm down a bit before continuing "Whose carrying it?" I pointed at Jade

"She is"

"Why would you want to have a baby, you're only 16?" She was looking at jade as she said it.

"It wasn't on purpose!" Jade replied

"Well it obviously wasn't a bloody broken condom, you guys are both girls! It can't of been a mistake"

"Beck raped me. That's what happened!" Jade yelled, breaking down in tears. "I know we are young. I didn't ask for this! We don't have a choice though and even if we did, I have fallen in love with our baby girl" Trina looked at me in shock and back at Jade.

"Beck did this? I've been practising my karate. I'll kick his nuts in so much he won't be able to have another kid ever again in his life!" Protective Trina mode has been activated.

 "I love that idea and your enthusiasm but I don't want you to get in trouble." I step in

"Even then, since when did you like me, I thought you hated me?" Jade said. I honestly forgot about that, she's going beast mode to hurt the guy who hurt Jade yet she hates her and loves him...

"I did but you make my sister happy, and that's all I care about. Your kind of sweet when actually showing your lovey dovey side anyway"

"Thank you. Tell anyone about my caring side though, or I'll take my special scissors and-"

"Woah calm down babe, Trina doesn't need to be hurt, she won't tell anyone one right Trina?"

"No, of course I won't. I'd rather not die either."

"Jade say sorry"

"I'd rather slam my tongue in a car door"

"Say sorry and I'll give you a kiss" I say smirking

"I'm sorry Trina I promise I won't hurt you"

"Thanks?" Is all Trina says in response. Confused at how I actually got Jade to apologise.

"Good girl" I say before connecting our lips. We were kissing for about 7 seconds before Trina fake coughed. "I'm still here you know, quit shoving your tongues down each other's throats Jesus!" Oops.

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