People suck.

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I never thought I'd have to be doing this, driving to the shops with my girlfriend to buy her a pregnancy test due to her ex boyfriend who is also my friend raping her? As we pulled up next to the shop we started talking. We decided that we can hide it in my locker till school is done and then she can take the test when we are home. We also decided to tell Lane what happened over email to avoid Jade having to relive the situation again while explaining it.

We headed into the store hand in hand. I was freaking out. I can't even imagine how scary this must be for her. Pregnancy tests. I said aloud while reading the sign. Still freaking out, I grabbed about 5 packs. The amount of judgy looks we were given was shocking. I can't tell if it was because people were homophobic or if they were judging the fact we were potential teen moms. That sounds weird to say. Teen moms.

"What's this for then?" The cashier asked.

"What do you think? Pregnancy. Test. Isn't it obvious?" Jade snapped a little. I squeezed her hand. A non verbal way of saying calm down.

"But you guys are both girls, and teens!"

"The details aren't necessary. Yes we are teens and we are both girls but our age and how it happened are honestly none of your business. Now can we please have a bag!" I say, realising I had snapped too. Oops.

"Calm down both of you. It's hard to tell which one of you is questioning whether you are pregnant, Jeez." I held Jade back before she tried to kill the woman.

We walked out of the store. "God what is wrong with the world!" Jade yelled

"Babe, don't worry. It doesn't matter what the world thinks. They aren't important"

"Sorry I freaked out in there." she spoke calmly

"Me too. Now let's get to school before we get questioned even more"


Sorry for the short chapter. Some of these chapters I made when I was a lot longer so they are quite crap but it will get better I promise.

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