The Test

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That was so hard. Every time I saw Beck's face I just wanted to kill him for what he did. Jade gripping my hand was the only thing stopping me from beating him up. She kept me calm. She had to go through all this hell and also manage to keep it together through all the pain. She's so strong. I didn't notice I started tearing up until jade came to make sure I was okay. She is honestly adorable checking up on me even with all the shit going on in her life. 

"I'm fine. Just thinking about everything that's happened. You are so incredible. You've gone through all this pain yet you still try to stay strong, you mean the world to me and i'm so proud of you" 

"Tori. You've helped me so much you don't even know, thank you" I kissed her gently before grabbing the pregnancy tests from my dresser. "Take these. We can watch a movie while we wait for the results of them all" I sat on the bed waiting for her to come back in. She left all the tests in the bathroom as she sat next to me, snuggling into my side. "how long shall I set the timer for. 10 minutes?" 

"10 minutes should be enough time for them all to work" 

RING RING! RING RING! I turn off the alarm to see Jade fast asleep. How did she fall asleep so quickly? Not the point. "Jade, baby, it's time to check the tests." She looked up at me, she looked exhausted. "Can you bring it in here please" Aw she gave me puppy dog eyes. "Of course I will" I stood up and made My way to the bathroom for the tests, I grabbed them all and put the back on my dresser. 

"On the count of 3, 1. 2. 3!"

"Positive, Positive, positive, positive, positive?" She read aloud. I can't believe it! SHE'S PREGNANT. We were both bawling our eyes out. I hugged her tight. "Wait, are you happy or sad about this?" I say through tears. "I'm not sure? I'm so happy to have a baby but it's beck's and we are so young and I'm scared" 

"Everything will be okay. And don't think of the baby as becks. Think of him or her as our child. Do you want to keep them?" 

"Uh- I- Yes. Yes I do. Our baby is in my tummy!" she squealed with excitement  as we both began to happily cry again. I'm so excited. We are young but we can do this and we will get through it together. “Ahh i love you so much!”

“I love you too Tori!” We stood there for a second in pure silence realising we had just said I love you to each other for the first time. I always loved her but I honestly didn't think she loved me. “Did we just-” I say before I hear a simple reply of “Yes” and we start jumping around again like two toddlers after a bag of sweets.

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