chapter three

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This class will be the fucking death of me. The first class I have this week, and it has to be the one I've been dreading the most. Business and Economics. I enjoy the coursework, but the Professor is a fucking nightmare.

Professor Norton is new to Southern California this year. I hadn't taken this course until this semester and let me just tell you; the worst decision ever. This class was one of the easiest classes to pass in until Norton here showed up. The main reason I took the course was because of easy grades.

The old Professor did not give a single shit towards his students and handed A's out like breath mints. That was the sole reason I took this class, but of course, the faculty caught word of this and fired him at the beginning of this semester, rightfully so.

The new professor, Rebecca Norton, clearly loves screwing people over, though.

Last week she handed out a surprise quiz to everyone, and today we got our results. And, me, who was pretty confident in how I went, saying I was shocked to find out that I had botched the entire quiz, would be an understatement.

Every time I look down onto my desk, the big red letter F enters my line of vision and is haunting me; reminding me that this could be the breaking point where Coach will have to suspend me from the soccer team for good.

Surely it can't be going towards anything, because a teacher springing a surprise quiz on her class must be illegal. Like, c'mon, am I expected to ace a quiz I didn't prepare for at all?

I will not mention this failure to anyone because I don't know if my grade from that quiz will affect my overall grade in that class, but if it does, I don't want anyone worrying. Especially if it jeopardises my team.

Let's just say, when Norton dismisses the class, I am beyond ecstatic. Her nasal voice was pissing me off.

My chair scraped against the carpet as I stood up and began making my way down the steps of the lecture hall.

In the middle of Norton's class, Kai sent me a quick text letting me know that he and the rest of our roommates were at the coffee shop on campus.

In his message, he stated, and I quote, the guys, and I are too fucking lazy to cook. Meet us at the coffee shop? I do not understand why they are so lazy, honestly. They barely do shit.

Today, the weather was fairly nice. No surprise though, cause the weather is pretty good all year round in South California. The air was becoming more frigid though as we near winter. Summer here is a fucking blast, but winter? Nope, she's a fucking bitch.

You would think that after living here my whole life I would get used to the wide range in temperature, but every year, when winter comes around, it kicks me in the ass and practically yells, I'm back. Did you miss me?

The walk across campus doesn't take too long. Ever since I started at USC in freshman year, I've always loved to walk around campus and admire the gorgeous scenery. Sounds cheesy, but one of the main reasons I attended this school was because of its beautiful campus.

Stares of passing students never seem to amaze me though, like, what is so interesting about a six-foot-one guy walking across campus? Oh, I know, he's the soccer captain, the best forward player that USC has seen in a long-ass time.

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