chapter thirty

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Some people just piss you off.

And there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong, however, is when that person, in particular, that pisses you off is, your boyfriend's brother.

The rest of his family welcomed me with open arms. But Caleb barely spared me a glance. Didn't bat an eyelash when Aidan introduced me as his girlfriend either.

Despite the not-so-warm welcome from Caleb, the rest of his family were lovely. Lilly wrapped me in a big, warm hug the minute she swung that front door open with a wide smile. His mother, who insisted I call her Diane, also gave me a brief hug and said she had no idea Aidan was seeing someone.

I was stunned when I first glanced at his father. Aidan is a spitting image of him and I almost believed I was looking at a more grown-up, more matured version of Aidan for a moment.

I could also tell where Aidan got his good looks from. Both of his parents were gorgeous. He had the same striking green eyes as his mother but the bone structure of his father. I swear I couldn't stop glancing between him and his father, comparing the differences.

Everyone had gathered and sat at the dining room table, preparing to eat. I engaged in some small talk with Aidan's father before focusing my attention on Lilly.

"I still can't believe you two are dating." She claps her hands excitedly and I almost think she is going to start bouncing in her seat. "I knew it, though! The minute I met you, Brooklynn, I knew."

I smile at her and sharply inhale as Aidan's hand makes contact on my inner thigh, caressing circles mindlessly.

Warmth spreads up my spine and all over my body before I glance over at him. He seems to be acting indifferent to his hand resting on my thigh as he talks with his brother. And I'm sure my face flushes as his hand rises and I hope to God, his family doesn't notice.

"So... Brooklynn, what is your major?" I try to hide my surprise at the question Caleb has just asked me. I think I'm more shocked that he actually acknowledged my name than asked me a question.

"Visual and performing arts," I tell him, glancing at him and offering a tight-lipped smile.

Any trace of confusion or annoyance I try to remove from my tone. I'm hoping my attempt works because I don't want Aidan knowing that I don't like his brother after only just meeting him. That would not be ideal.

Caleb nods and takes a gulp of his beer.

From what I have gathered, Caleb seems very uptight and formal. He showed up to Thanksgiving in a suit, for fucks sake. His whole attire screams I-mean-business.

I take a small sip of the red wine Aidan's mother offered me earlier, sparing a side glance to Aidan.

He is looking right at me, gaze glued to my every move. I place my glass back down and intertwine our fingers underneath the table. A smile curves at his lips and he focuses on his father.

"Where's your family from?" A deep tone rumbled from the end of the table. I have only heard Aidan's father speak a few times tonight and each time was short and brief.

"I grew up in San Francisco but my parents moved to New York after I graduated and went to college," I explain, feeling his intense gaze pointed at me.

My hands are clamming up beneath the table and I'm sure Aidan noticed how sweaty they have become when he gives my hand intertwined with his, a tight, reassuring squeeze.

I wasn't joking when I had told Aidan I was nervous and panicking about meeting his parents tonight. These sorts of dinners are not my thing. And meeting someone's parents also isn't my thing.

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