chapter fifteen

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My first shift at the cafe this week starts off in shambles. First, I arrived almost half-an-hour late because one of my lectures ran late. Next, I'm stuck serving a group of people who smell so strongly of marijuana that it makes my senses burn. And on top of all of it, my mother calls in the middle of it and informs me she and my father can't make it for Thanksgiving this year.

So, yes, right now, my life is grand.

"God, tonight's a drag." Daisy, my co-worker, breathed out a huff of annoyance as she sprayed down the counter.

"Mmm-hmm, I'm exhausted. And when I get home I have to study for an exam one of my professors assigned today." Yup, I think Professor Rosen is the devil in disguise. He handed out an exam today and gave us only one night to study for it. And to say I'm anxious would be an understatement.

Daisy winces. "I understand, college sucks sometimes."

I nod, finishing organising the cleaning supplies in the cabinet below the cash register.

I stood upright and gazed around the cafe. There were a few stragglers tonight, stopping by for a quick meal or a drink. So basically, a typical Monday night.

Daisy groans, turning away from the customers just as the bell for the cafe rang. "Shit, kill me now."

I followed her line of vision to see a group of guys talking amongst themselves as they approached the counter where Daisy was standing.

"Daisy," one guy with piercing blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, says in a deep, warning tone.

Her whole body stiffened and she removed her head from in between her arms. She pasted a sickly sweet smile onto her face. "Tobias." Her tone was clipped, revealing no emotion. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved out of town."

Tobias's mates stood tall behind him like an entourage, remaining completely silent during this entire exchange.

"Turns out, there's no need for me to move anymore. My dad got a promotion and declined his other job offer," Tobias explained.

"Great," Daisy said through gritted teeth and the fakest smile I've ever seen on her. "Well... feel free to sit anywhere."

Tobias jerked his head in a slight nod and walked off towards a booth, his entourage following him.

"Who was that?" I ask, a small smile breaking out onto my face.

"My ex. Total douchetard. Can't believe I dated him," she grumbles out with pure distaste.

I let out a laugh and check the clock for almost the thousandth time this hour. 7:29p.m. "Looks like my shift is over. See you tomorrow?"

Daisy nods, her unruly curls bouncing as she moves.

I sprint out of that stuffy cafe as fast as I can. The moment my body makes contact with the leather upholstery in my car, my whole body feels like it sinks. My legs were burning with fatigue in the entirety of my shift, and when I sat down, it was pure bliss.

I rummaged through my purse, pulling out the keys to my car, sticking them into the ignition and driving off as fast as the speed limit allowed.

The lights in my apartment flickered. The soft, muffled sound grew increasingly louder as I approached my apartment. The door opened and inside; I was met with Anna and Brinley, singing at the top of their lungs to Adele.

They don't seem to notice my presence, so I just stand back and watch. Anna sounds noticeably better than Brinley, which is to be expected when you are singing with a music major. Brinley sounds more like a wailing cat instead of a singer.

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