chapter four

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"I've never really understood the novelty of true crime," Brinley says from across the couch. "It's too sad."

Tonight, Brinley and I stayed in and watch some TV. She insisted we binge all the Marvel movies, whereas; I thought we should watch a bunch of true crime documentaries.

"It's interesting. I mean, yeah, it is sad knowing that it happened to real people but, like, it's intriguing," I explain, trying to convince her that my obsession with this stuff isn't unhealthy.

It is, though, she and I both know that.

I could spend hours upon hours binge-watching this shit. Most nights I stay awake until the early hours of the morning watching it. None of it seems to faze me. But the second a spider comes anywhere near me, I'll freak the fuck out.

"Why did I even agree to watch this?" she mutters to herself. "This is brutal!"

I laugh. Truthfully, I don't know why she even agreed to it, either.

"Alright, break-time!" Brinley pipes up. "Want any popcorn or snacks?"

"Ooh yes! I bought some M&M's the other day. Can you get them?"

Brinley nods, standing up from the small couch in our apartment and sauntering over to the kitchen just a few feet away from the living room.

I love our apartment so much. It's not too big but not too small either. It's a perfect size. And the open floor plan and minimalistic decor are to die for. Brinley's mom did a great job of decorating this place.

Brinley's parents bought this apartment for her at the beginning of this year. She asked Anna and me if we wanted to move in with her, telling us we wouldn't have to pay rent and that the price of the apartment was being handled by her parents.

I tried persuading her into letting me pay for some of it, but both she and her parents said that it was fine.

Brinley's parents are filthy rich and say that we should be able to have the freedom to not have to share a communal bathroom and worry about finances. Her mom told me I must move in, so I didn't pass up that opportunity. I had already grown extremely tired of the dorms.

Anna, however, decided against moving in with us. She says that she would rather live with some dorm-mate and make new friends than live with us, whatever the hell that means.

I heard the rustling of some packets and the faint popping coming from the microwave. Some cabinet doors swung open as Brinley searched for dishes to pour our snacks into.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Ben and his frat buddies are planning on crashing this party that the soccer team is throwing and asked if we wanted to go," Brinley asks, hoping that I'll agree.

I shift my gaze to her and shake my head. We both knew that would be my answer, so I don't even know why she asked.

"C'mon! It'll be fun, plus you need to get out of the house more," Brinley pleads.

"I'm always out of the house. I've barely even seen you at all this week," I defend. "And no, you already took me out to the bar last Friday night. You've already wasted all your tokens on torturing Brooklynn this month."

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