chapter forty-four

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One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was to only pay attention to what people do and forget everything they say. Actions speak louder than words, as my father liked to tell me.

Thinking over the past month, I realise my actions and words don't align. I have found while I am telling one person one thing; I do something that completely contradicts that. My actions are projecting an unrealistic thought in people's minds.

But right now, I would like to believe my actions are going to speak much louder than anything I could say would.

Two weeks. Two weeks since the New Year began. Two weeks since the bathroom fiasco.

Two weeks to think things over and realise I am finally ready.

The icy air touches any inch of bare skin. It is the middle of winter and the weather is colder than in past years. Growing up in New York, temperatures similar to this is something I have grown accustomed to when leaving the warmth of my home, but usually, it isn't a welcome feeling on my part.

Tonight is the last soccer game of the season. USC made it into the finals, much to no one's surprise. It was up against UCLA, their biggest rivals which would have called for a very interesting game for the fans.

I would have watched it if my nerves weren't all over the place as I sat in my car, fidgeting relentlessly, awaiting the nerve-wracking conversation I am going to have after Aidan walks out of the building.

The game ended about fifteen minutes ago and I know the players will leave the headquarters of the building sooner rather than later.

Leaning against Aidan's car that I have been in too many times to count, I stare down at my feet, playing with small rocks and gravel with my shoes. I do not want to look at my surroundings because it will remind me of what I am about to do.

A large bus waits in the parking lot for, presumably, the UCLA players. Other people loiter around the secluded lot. Noise travels out from the building as the doors swing open and I lift my gaze from my feet, ready to get this over with.

Almost immediately. That is how long I take to find Aidan. He hasn't noticed me yet, still in a deep and animated conversation with Holden.

I think Holden is first to notice me because he stops talking to Aidan, nodding his head slightly towards the car where I am standing. Aidan silences and his strides falter slightly when his gaze meets mine from almost fifty feet away, at least.

Flashbacks from New Year's Eve flood back to me.

The constant eye contact all night.

The bathroom...

It makes me miss him more than I already do.

With resistance, I stride away from the car, feeling so much more exposed without something to crutch on to. Aidan lingers behind his teammates, letting them walk ahead and past me as I meet his slow steps halfway until we are finally close enough to hear each other.

Aidan's eyebrows are tipped down slightly in bewilderment. I didn't announce or inform anyone of my presence here tonight, so it is not shocking that people may be confused or surprised.

"I did something," I start, not allowing him to question me about anything.

"What did you do?" Aidan asks warily.

I pull my hands out of the pockets of my jacket, bending my index finger and thumb downwards. On the inner skin of my middle finger are two minimalistic angel wings tattooed on the exposed skin.

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