2: He Won't Allow It

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After an hour, silver eyes with a red sheen shot open. "Done!" Wei Wuxian announced, hopping off from the bed. "Can't do more than that, we'll see."

Lan Wangji looked up and down his figure and held his arm. "A-Ying?"

"I'm good, no weakness at all, A-Zhan. A-Yuan, check on her."

"Mn," Sizhui nodded and bent down to look at Luo Qingyang's face. "Auntie Mianmian? Auntie Mianmian?" Her eyes were still shut so Sizhui tried feeling her pulse. He frowned. "Wen Shushu, can you try?"

Wen Ning nodded and sat on the bed, checking her pulse. "Hm? Why is it..."

"Barely there..." Sizhui nodded.

"Wait, it's speeding up," Wen Ning sighed with relief. "It's speeding up, really fast. I think she's recovering."

"Oh dear," Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan. "It might be too fast, A-Zhan."

Lan Zhan nodded and walked to Luo Qingyang. He took up Wei Ying's earlier seat and pointed his fingers to her forehead.

But the instant he sent in the first ripple of spiritual energy...

Red eyes flew open and glared at Wen Ning sitting in front of her. Qingyang began to tremble and shake, juddering furiously.

"Mummy? Mummy!" Little Mianmian shook her arm.

"Little Mianmian get back here!" Wei Wuxian called to her. Her father came over and picked the frightened child up, turning her head away from the scene. Luo Qingyang shook so fast she shook the bed, her pillows and sheets flying astray onto the floor. Wei Wuxian beckoned to Wen Ning to stand back, letting Lan Xichen and Chen Xuanji hold her arms and legs.

But even the two strongest people in the room were having trouble holding the paranormally vexed Luo Qingyang in place. Luo Qingyang began to sway, rocking back and forth, wobbling the bed, writhing her arms to get the two cultivators off of her. Lan Wangji frowned and turned to Wei Wuxian.

"Keep going, A-Zhan, no other way. It's my energy, not the plague."

So that's why he's holding Wen Ning away as well. Lan Zhan nodded and sent in another ripple of his blue energy.

Luo Qingyang screamed and flung her hands to the sides, forcefully hurling the two away.

"Tsk, I told you guys to leave it to Jiang-xiong!" Huaisang wagged his fan at his Er-Ge and his wife.

Jiang Cheng nodded. "Thank you, Nie-xiong," he smirked and shot out his lightning whip. Zidian swathed around Luo Qingyang's torso and arms, and another thread of purple lighting wrapped around her legs, looping around the bed as well, successfully holding her in place. "There. Lan Wangji, proceed."

"Thanks," Lan Zhan nodded and sent int more and more of his energy, unflinching and unfazed by Qingyang's screams of agony and occasional spitting of blood onto his robes and the bed. Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling took the husband and daughter outside, knowing the little one will be too terrified, and Lan Xichen put up a silencing charm around the hut. Little Mianmian heard nothing of her mother's wails of excruciation from within the house.

It took two full hours to subdue Wei Wuxian's deadly energy in Luo Qingyang. After all, a demonic Immortal's core energy wasn't something anyone but a spiritual Immortal could defeat. Especially only someone with energy as pure as Lan Wangji.

When Luo Qingyang collapsed into Lan Wangji's arms, wholly unconscious, he looked up with round eyes at his husband, lips pursed.

Wei Wuxian laughed. "Aish, she's a friend, what are you looking at me like that for? I'm not going to kill you! Come on, lay her down."

Savage Wolf, Lotus Heart [Never Let You Go, Again: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now