4: Sawtooth Blood Wolf

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Black flute twirled between pale fingers. Red tassel slapped his rosy cheek as he laughed with the village girls and waited for his family to finish their work. Surrounded by children and young lasses wherever he went, Wei Wuxian was having the time of his life.

"And then things were simple. I mean, I am a demonic Immortal! What's conquering a random demon beast to me?" He grinned smugly.

"Yingxiong Laozu's amazing!" A girl fanned herself with her trailing rose sleeve.

"Xingguang Xian, what was it called again?"

"Some Thorn-Maned Wolf thing," Wei Ying replied nonchalantly.

"Thorn-Maned!?" A boy, aged about ten odd years, shrieked.

"Yeah, because of its back being lined with those spikes I told you about."

"Xingguang Xian, how did you deal with the spikes?" Another young girl asked.

"Oh, as for that," Wei Wuxian beamed at someone in the distance. "Look over there."

"Where, where?" The crowd shouted.

Wei Wuxian pointed with his flute.

"Cangse Sanren?"

"No, the one seated to her left. The tall and beautiful man clad in sparkling diamond white? THE most beautiful man ever, at that," he grinned. Lan Wangji was having a hard time focussing on the job. Though his eyes were shut to concentrate, his ears weren't: Wei Wuxian snorted with self-satisfaction when he saw the perfect jade ears melting into cherry blossom pink.

"Ah, Yin Yue Xian!" A child clapped happily.


"Of course, of course, Yin Yue Xian will always be the prettiest man ever," a young lady chuckled. "Alas, he's already Xingguang Xian's!" She winked merrily.

"And I am not giving him to ANYONE!" Wei Wuxian laughed. "But yes, so that's that about the wolf. Darling dealt with the spikes for me. Because he's such a sweet dear like that!"

The ladies laughed heartily at Lan Zhan's reddening ears. Even Cangse and Baoshan were laughing through the healing. Neither complained because it was good to keep everyone's spirits high during all of this. Especially the patients, who couldn't help but smile over the blue and white energy washing over them. Who better to keep the cheer high than Wei Wuxian?

"Yingxiong Laozu," a tiny girl tugged on his sleeve from somewhere near his knees.

"Yes, little dearie?"

"Yingxiong Laozu, thank you! I love stories about wolves!"

"Aww, really?" Wei Wuxian beamed at her and ruffled her hair. "Then how about another?"

"YAY!" All the children screamed.

"But this time, it's not me."


"Ever heard of Jin Rulan?"

"Sect Leader Jin?"


"Oh, oh, isn't he Sect Leader Jiang's nephew? And Xingguang Xian's and Yin Yue Xian's son, right?" A woman who was seated on a chair nearby, having just been healed by Baoshan Sanren, feeling better than ever, asked.

"Well, well, don't you all know a lot about my son!" He grinned.

"OH! I KNOW!" A young man shouted and threw up her hand.


"Sect Leader Jin recently killed that some... some massive wolf, right? I heard it at the bar last night!"

Savage Wolf, Lotus Heart [Never Let You Go, Again: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now