40: Mask of Certainty

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"Message from Ghost King. A response to your message," Xiao Xiang answered Wei Wuxian.

"Ah, great–"

"Message?" Lan Wangji asked. 

"Ah... erm..."

"A-Ying, speak."

"Nothing, nothing too serious, right Xiangxiang?"

"I... erm... well..."


"Yes, yes, absolutely nothing wrong, Hanguang-Jun."

Lan Wangji narrowed his eyes, looking between demoness and master. "So what is Hua Cheng's response?"

"Ah, it was–"

"Hush for a minute," Wei Wuxian held up his hand. "LanGui."

"Master," the Blue Brawler bowed.

"I want you to help Mama Dragon. Break that blasted thing's wings while it's distracted by her fire. Bring it down to the ground so we can tackle it easily. I can't have her fighting with us for too long, she needs to get home fast."

"Sure," LanGui shot upwards to the sky and landed on the topmost branch in the forest. The Jiaolong nodded to Wei Wuxian, understanding his plan, and spun around the Qiong Qi to its rear. The Qiong Qi turned around to face the Jiaolong properly, exposing his back to the awaiting LanGui in the process. LanGui waited for them to continue fighting until the Qiong Qi was only a short distance away from him. Reaching over, he caught one tip of the right wing, and twisted it around.



A full three-sixty degrees until the bones in it could be heard snapping and cracking apart.

"RRRRAAAAAAAARGH!" The Winged Tiger roared in agony as it fell to the ground, rendered flightless.

"Bravo, LanGui!" Wei Wuxian clapped. "Knew you could do it. Hei'An."


"Go and help Xuanji-mei. Should that Aria-whore dare to even budge, you know what to do."

"Sure," Hei'An nodded. The black cloud of doom fluttered over to stand with Chen Xuanji.

"Xuanji-mei, take care of her! Don't join the fight, we need you to restrain that woman."

"Of course," Xuanji nodded, happily sliding her sabre down Aria's arm and slicing the skin off. This Immortal Fox was temporarily turning her into a sadist of a General.

"And me, Master?"

"Xiangxiang... Did Hua Cheng say yes?"

"He said..." Xiao Xiang side-glanced at Lan Wangji and saw him watching with hawk's eyes. Best to tread cautiously, Xiao Xiang sighed. "He said he doesn't want to, but he will if you need it."

"Of course he wouldn't want to, he's as worrying as this worrywart husband of mine," Wei Wuxian chuckled. "But he said yes?"

The Scarlet Seductress nodded.

"Great. How soon?"

"Don't know. Might take time."

"A-Ying, you better tell me what's going on."


"No whining. I need to know."

"Tch, getting bossy, are we? Well guess what? You can't boss me around, haha! Xiangxiang, I want you to be with Little Rulan. If he loses control, use this," Wei Wuxian snatched the Clarity Bell in Lan Wangji's hands and gave it to Xiao Xiang.

Savage Wolf, Lotus Heart [Never Let You Go, Again: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now