4. The secrets we hide

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(If any of you guess or know where the line in dialogue is from then you need your ass eaten) 

It was the next day and Y/N as usual left Hanashi at his school, kissing and patting his head as he left for school, As he approaches U.A someone was waiting for him is was a couple of kids from his previous school with posters and signs that read U.A allows villains now, or Villains are hiding between heroes -How charming boy and girls- -There he is!- Some of the girls screamed as hiding behind a tall guy -It's him the villain who tormented- Y/N just giggle -you children truly are pathetic, no wonder your parents don't love you- -...- Y/N from the corner of his eyes saw everyone from class 1-A look at him, specially Kirishima as he made his way towards the crowd Y/N  shook his head "don't you dare get involved in matters that don't concern you...Don't act like a fucking hero" -How dare you, you are is a villain who doesn't care about people- Y/N put his finger close to his eyes -Oh that hurt my feeling dear, But you are wrong I do care about people, without people or heroes there would be no one I could test my poison, and I see; one, two ,three- Y/N whisper up to ten -I see ten individual, how perfect the perfect number of candidates for my new experiment- Y/N got off from his motorcycle and stood in front of the boy pushing his chest towards his as he arch his back a little -I specially want to speriment on you guys- The boy jumo back and was ready to punch Y/N -You little shi- But was soon cut off by a sudden kick to the face by Y/N, making him drop head first on the floor, Y/N walk over to him and put his shoe on his mouth -What you are not going to clean my shoes big boy, good obidiant little boy do as they are told- -You little!- -Shhh don't speak to me like that, have your parents taught you maners- -mmm- -There we go, you know vilonce can be oh so dirty- -Hey idiot stop it!- A girl shouted as she punches Y/N on the face -You little bitch!- As he took his gloves off he released poison from his fingers immediately solidifying it making it look like a pair of long nails -You'll lose an eye for that!- She covers herself with her hands, as soon as the poison nails were going to connect with her white pure skin, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero both stop Y/N, Sero threw his tape at Y/N traping one of his arms as Mina Dash with her acid to kick his arm while Kirishima hardened his skin protecting the girl -...- -Hey dude calm down!- -Yeah what's your problem!- -...- Kirishima was the only one not to speak -While Mina and Sero shouted at Y/N -Girl let me ask you one thing?- -...- He just ignores the screaming from Sero and Mina -Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast, I mean you must be a real idiot to come and punch me on the face, If it weren't for these three idiot hookers you would be dead, and let me warm everyone else this is was will happen if any of you push my nerves any longer...and that goes to you to Idiot Hookers!- Y/N with his long poison claws cut the tape from Sero and push Mina out of the way -...-Kirishima tried to grab Y/N but he was stopped by Sero -Don't try dude, I know you want to be friends with him but he is even worst then Bakugo- -...- -Yeah I agree- 

Y/N put on his helmet and turn on his motorcycle once again as he flew to the parking lot, some minutes went by and he enters Class 1-A where everyone was staring at him, only whispers could be heard throughout the class Bakugo and Kirishima were the only quiet ones -If you sluts are going to talk shit about me then do it when I'm not near you!- Everydo silently looked at him "There is no other reason they would talk in whispers when I come in" Y/N thought to himself  -Tks... who do you think you are?!- -Oh what did you say, failure boy, I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over your tears from yesterday after I beat you- Bakugo quickly stood up and was ready to punch Y/N while Y/N, on the other hand, stood still -Hey calm down Bakugo- Kirishima said as he grabs Bakugo and stopped him from preventing -Why are you defending this villain shitty hair!?- -I don't have anything against him Bakugo- -You don't have anything for him either- -Oh I see why you are defending me- Kirishima just looked at Y/N and thought he was going to say something nice for once -Is it because you saw me dance yesterday- -N...no- Y/N quickly cut Kirishima off -Oh I see Its because me dancing like that gave you shower-nozzle masturbation material for weeks. Huh?- Kirishima quickly started to blush and stop grabbing Bakugo as he waved his hand arm in front of him denying the statement -No you have it all wrong- -Oh shut up, go do your favorite thing and suck your best friend's dick instead of trying to make fake excuses for why you should defend me- - Ok that was uncalled for!- Kaminari said as he stood up in front of Y/N -oh what are you going to do, if not just stupify yourself more than you do with your quirk!- - How did you?- -Because Idiot I have examing each and every one of you sluts and know pretty much the basics...So if you are going to try and fight me, think twice- Y/N quickly turned his back onto Kaminari.

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