17. Hero Spotlight

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Turn on the Tv and put on channel 5 


Just do it, Kiri...ok bye 



Kirishima rushed to the couch where the rest of his classmates were located -Can you put channel 5 for a minute Y/N told me to put it on maybe something is going on- Kiri said to Denki who was just changing the channel at random -Sure dude- -Why did he ask you to put on channel l5 Kiri?- Mina ask -Not sure but let's see- 

 Yesterday at one o'clock in the morning a leader of a human trafficking organization was stopped by a young hero, Thousands of people were found hidden in cargo containers, policemen called to the scene said that a young hero name Pandemic got a hold of the man's organization and put it an end to him, As you may see on screen the images of at least five thousand human trafficking victims, and this young hero save them all can you believe that?- -It's clearly a truly heroic feat and for our luck, the hero has come here to tell us what happens-

-NO FUCKING WAY!- Bakugo shouted -THAT FREAK!- they all saw as Y/N was sitting on an interview chair one leg over the other one and as he tapped his long claws on the chair -No way! It's actually him!- Everyone on the couch shouted making everyone wonder what were they looking at as everyone join in -Wait is that Y/N on Tv?- Midoriya ask -Apparently- Uraraka respond -Kiri what do you know about all of this?- Sero asks -I'm not sure he just told me to turn o the Tv- -Wasn't he working with the public safety hero commission- -Yeah Kiri answer -You must be jealous don't you Bakugo weren't you been saying you were going to be the number one hero and he beat you at being the first of us to ever be in Tv and be recognized as a hero- Denki commented -Like if I give a shit about appearing on Tv- -Shush Lets see what he says- Kiri said a little bit enthusiastically and 

-So Pandemic tell us how does it feel to be the protagonist of such a heroic occurrence- -Well it is honestly interesting, to say the least, I have never seen myself as a great person or a role model, I have always been in the shadows, I was just doing the right thing- -How did you find this human trafficking network and its leader?- -Well I had investigated the criminal for a while alongside the police, who gave me concrete information about the possible site of the crime- -And what happened to the criminal? we still haven't had a word or an image of him-  there was a momentary silence -now come on you wouldn't like to see his face, I gave him a taste of his own poison - Y/N said as extended his hand and looked at his long metallic claws and as he giggles the camera zoomed on his face as it was able to see a little grin that made his fangs show -Well to be so young a preform this kind of feat is amazing- -I honestly think is not something of a shocker but I fell that heroes these days in our society just do the bare minimum they don't search for bad people they just show up when bad people hurt others in the public they just look for stuff that was seconds of coming out to the light, they don't get their hands dirty and look upon the shadows, you know what I think its time for me to lend them a hand as they continue to do...- Y/N chuckles putting his hand close to his mask and taking his mask off - whatever they say they do, I will help those who need me those who truly need me I'll lend a hand to those who are suffering and if you need my help just call me darling-  Y/N said as he wink to the camera 

As everyone looked at the Tv there was a small and faint sound of a heartbeat that could be heard as it sounded as if it was a race car close to the finish line...Kirishima looked at Y/N as he winked at the camera and for some reason, he felt it was directly sent for him he felt his body get hotter and his face gets red as his crimson hair, he put his hand across his chest and grabbed it tight as if he was trying to stop this emotion but as he looked up again at Y/Ns mysterious smile he felt so much honor and respect for him "to think that someone as Y/N who did such an amazing thing, for him to think that I'm worth to be a hero I wish to be like Y/N, he is so smart, talented and so kind to those he loves even if he is mean to everyone else but that is what makes him be a real hero because even after all the hurt and all the pain he felt at some point he's  still good and...and I love that" 

-And Pandemic for our last few questions is there someone special who you think is looking at your right now- Y/N stop and blush a little silently -Well... there is a dear friend who I hope is looking at this and ... my family I hope-  -And for the last question would you demonstrate to us what is exactly your quirk does- -That Ma'am would be a little too dangerous...- Y/N said as he released venom from his hands and created a tentacle that wraps around his arm and quickly sharpens to create a medium side blade - Lets just said people aren't ready to see my poison- the woman claps as she smiles and then cut back to the other reporters -Isn't he a bit of a mystery?- -Well yes Sylvia but I want to see more of him in the future, he is a promising young man with lots of potentials-

Pandemic you were Terrific for your first time is quite impressive- The woman said as Y/N stood up -Thanks he said with a soft bowl -As he head out of the studio he got onto his bike and ride back home as he did so Y/N felt his phone vibrate, he made a quick stop at a small gas station it was really late and dark it seemed that is was just abandon even do the lights were on -Hello?- -Y/N!- Kirishima shouted -You were amazing why didn't you tell me about what you did?- -Hey calm down- Y/N giggled -It's because I was busy and a little bit hurt- -But are you alright?- -Yeah Kiri...What did you think of me on Tv- Y/N ask as he blushed -I...I think you looked really cool, manly and amazing- Both couldn't see each other but they felt as if they were in front of each other-...I will be your number one fan Y/N or should I call you Pandemic - Y/N giggled again as he grabbed his chest -I have to go Kiri I need to get back to Hanashi see you tomorrow- -See you-  As they both said goodbye Kirishima went to his room, quickly turning the lights off and turn his phone he rapidly type something and as he finds it he put a pillow to make to a phone stand, and with another, he wraps his arms around it hugging it, -So Pandemic tell us- Could be heard from his phone as he softly blushes and smile he hugged the pillow harder

 -Why is he so cool and manly-

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