23. "Is the things that we love most that destroy us"

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"I wonder if I will leave to see another day, maybe god will be my side this time...Or maybe I'll find grace in death" I thought to myself as I felt Hanashi's smalls hands warp around my neck as I lay a kiss on his forehead -Be safe...be strong...I ask of the principal if they can take care of you if anything happens so you will be safe here, Kirishima told me you can stay in his room if you want to- I said as Hanashi looked at me with teary eyes  as he hugged me again, all I could feel at that moment is fear fear of the future fear of the challenges the fates would put in my upcoming task, I carried him to Kirishimas room as I put his backpack on the ground that had all his games, toys and some books as he sat on the bed I pat his head as  I mess his curly and wavy hair as flowers emerged from it -You know that no matter what happens I'll be with you?- -Yes I know...Go save the world big brother- He said before hugging me one last time, I walked away as Kirishima greeted me outside -Hey you ok?- He ask as he got closer and had a concern looked on his face -Yes, I just need a minute- I said as I walked away, I heard Kirishima follow me a bit -I'm fine...lets just go- I said as we headed towards the gate -Why did you wanted to come with me?- I ask as I get on the motorcycle, Kirishima quickly following -Because I knew it was going to be hard leaving Hanashi, I know how much you love him and I wanted to be beside you to support you, I'll always be there...for you I'll always be there- He spoke with such softened my heart felt soft for the first time -Thank you, Kirishima...I wish we would have meet before...because maybe you would had saved me from committing horrible acts- I said before starting the engine and heading to the designated location for a second I forgot that I was on the rode to a war but with Kirishima holding me for a moment at least just a second I forgot about all my pain and sadness all my fears and doubts with him I was angry at him before for coming to the mission but somehow he always manages to make me feel at peace a peace I have never felt before, I smile as he talk and talk always speaking with a smile on his face even when I couldn't see his smile I could feel it which in return made me smile...I wish this was my life just us, two students on a motorcycle hitting the road exploring the country...but I knew that was just a dream, as the wish that maybe Kirishima would like me more then just a friend that maybe he could erase the darkness left by Tenko but I knew better not to have hope of love.

We arrived and watched as many heroes gathered together in the forest like fish in a vast ocean; It was the day, the day I had been waiting for as well as many other heroes, I watch as the heroes laughed and got ready -We gonna be glorious after this- -They will not know what they hit them- I heard as the idiots talked and babbled with each other, I felt his stomach turn as I was sent to a forest area alongside the rest of the 1-A Class and Tenko I walked in front of them alongside Lady Midnight -I didn't want them to come- I told her -They requested more heroes and they are prepared for this- -You have no idea what we are going against are you...You are just another foolish woman amongst a sea of fools- I said as I looked into her eyes -Promise me you won't let the d...- I hold my tongue Midnight just looked at me with confusion she had never seen me get worried I wasn't the type to get worried about people I had no one to be worried about only Hanashi -I promise- She said, I look away and look at Kirishima for a second -Kaminari! You are coming with me and Tenko- he tried to complain but I stared him down with an angry expression as he walked towards us he stopped and put his hand on Kirishima's shoulder whispering something that made him go red and get all fluster before he walked towards us standing to our side before we continue to walk all three of us -Hey Y/N I mean Pandemic- I saw Kirishima walk to me I felt his strong hand grab my shoulder -About before what did you mean horrible acts?- -Shut up- I said stopping him from continuing I felt a shiver go up my spine and to my neck as I look him in the eyes -I told you I did not want you here but you didn't care- -Yeah but it was asked of us- -Well it shouldn't have...look today I know something bad is going to happen I can feel it in my guts...and...and I would hate to see something awful happen to you or the rest of Class 1-A and 1-B- I sigh in anger I felt my blood boiled but I also felt my body tremble -Look I just want to say you this before I leave...If something happens to me...please look over Hanashi...I...I care about you...no...I love you, you are my dearest friend because you are the only person besides Hanashi who made me feel like I belong somewhere...That I am much more than just a villain or a monster...So I want that for Hanashis future...I want him to feel like you to be positive and happy like you... and to never see or go through the things I went through or did so please promise me that you will do all you can... to protect him and to look after him I know that you are young but- Kirishima hugged me as he rub my back -Hey nothing bad will happen to you...you are the manliest and bravest person I know...and don't worry about us we will be fine...and I love you too...much more than you could imagine- I felt my body fail me as I for the first time hugged Kirishima back strongly -Y/N... can I tell you something... before you go?- We let each other go for a second looking at each other as if we were alone -Yes what is it?- -Well you see after this... I would like us to go on a d- Kirishima stopped as I felt Tenko pull me away -Enough talking people we need to go- -Wait, Kiri, we can talk later- I look at Kirishima with a small blush on my face as I walked away; I walked towards Momo quickly before whispering something to her -I will gladly do it- I see as she creates what looked to be a wireless earpiece -Thank Momo...and Momo please guide the class to victory- I said as I put my hand on her shoulder, she nodded and smile. 

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