5. The secrets we hide (part 2)

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Y/N had just finished picking up Hanashi and ordered some food -I'm feeling that well wanna order some food?- -Yeah!- Y/N smiley fakely at Hanashi but he didn't notice, after ordering food and eating together they both went to their room -If you need anything call me ok- -Ok- He went to his room and Y/N turn of the light in his room and just sat down on the floor -I can't do this again, I can't, I don't want to remember him, about those schoolkids- Y/N started to grab at his skin so tightly accidentally cutting it with his own long nails -I can't, I hate you I have you, I hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate you- -No you don't- Y/N was completely alone but someone was talking to him -But I do for what you did to me for tearing me to pieces, for exposing my flesh to the world- -Oh I didn't do that, you did it all by yourself, showing how weak you are, showing that all that anger and villainous act you do is a mask you use to hide your weak persona- -Shut up- Y/N put both hands to his ears and his knees rise to his chest, venom and poison was being spilled all over the floor it was taking a human shape of that of a person he knew,  -Come on darling don't you want a kiss from you lover?- The poison figure said as he put both hands on Y/N's shoulders -I want nothing to do with you- - Oh really but if you no longer want to be associated with me why do you still have these pictures of us?- the poison figure open the closet door grabbing a small shoebox and throwing it at Y/N, as the shoe box open itself it reveals pictures of Y/N and someone else-... It's not...w..what it seems- -admit it darling you still haven't forgotten about me- -...and I still haven't forgiven you- Y/N look at the pictures of him smiling and hugging a much taller boy than him boy with white hair and beautiful heaven color eyes -Oh I remember that day when we first went on our date- -...I refuse to remember those days, I don't instead to be fooled by someone inferior to me- -Inferior you say? darling, you were so in love with me you never wanted to leave my side, You devoted your body and soul to me- the figure laugh -Only to discover you were only a challenge and mere use of entertainment to us- 

Another figure appears a girl with a fox tail -Yeah, I remember how we all dared him to go out with you- Another figure appeared beside her side a much muscular boy with a deep voice  -Yeah I remember how this dumbass believed that someone would like him- all three of them laugh as they walked around Y/N -What you are going to do poison boy- -Kill us? I don't think so- -I don't think he can't even punch one of us- they all continue laughing as Y/N picked up the pictures of him and the angelic boy, hugging each other -I hate you all...- Y/N remember those word from the angel that made him fall into despair "you have such a pretty smile don't hide it" -I hate my smile, I hate my quirk, I hate this curse that has been bestowed opon me...- Y/N continue going through the picture -I remember that day you let me take a picture of you as were sleeping on my chest- the boy said, Y/N picked up another picture and looked at it for a longer time -Oh I remember that day too the day you finally let me kiss you, so disgusting, you lips tasted like pure shit, I spent an entire hour brusing my teeth after doing that monstrosity to myself- Y/N started to cry uncontrollable his eyes where full of black tears as his body not boil with anger as many times before but instead it sink into its self no longer having the shape of a human but sinking into a bloop of poison, as his body began to turn into liquid his room was no longer painted with white wall, but instead it was now dripping and colored with poison. Y/N felt as if he was sinking on the ocean and his body responded to that feeling his body was part of the poison the only thing left of Y/N on the room was his face surrounded by poison -I can't believe the smart boy in the class felt for our little game- -I hate you Tenkami Tenko- -Oh so you aren't calling me Tenten any more- Y/N rose again from the poison as his body began to form once again but this time he was bigger his body skin was purple now his lower part of his hips didn't exist anymore he was just a pair of tentacles that were being formed as the other poison figure began to become smaller except that of the boy known as Tenkami Tenko

 -I will never forget or forgive you Tenko but hear my words I have gotten stronger and more powerful, my past with you will always hunt me but I'll never forget the acts you have committed against me; I am no longer that desperate boy who just wanted love and affection from someone who wasn't part of his family, A boy so scared of his own power he wouldn't let anyone come close to him, I have changed maybe into something worst but I know I'll never lower myself at your level I know you all see me as a villain and I now deep inside maybe it's true that I have come to this world only to make other suffer. Still, I'll never cause suffering so painful like the one you did to me so long ago I refuse to become you!- Y/N tentacles flew at the poison figures- Tenkami Tenko just laugh -We will see each other again and the day that happens you'll suffer even more than before!- "this might as well be just myself falling into insanity or my feeling coming to hunt me once again but I change... I'll try why to continue having these fake persona off myself...that boy Kirishima even do he made me remember my suffering he by far is the only extraordinary human who has been able to see past everything and try his best to treat me a just another normal person...thank you"... 

It was finally the next day and Y/N ask a favor to Hanashi -Hanashi...could I ask if you can grow Castor oil plants for me- -Oh sure I love how spiky and red they are and its kind of cute how they are this spiky red ball - -Yeah- As Hanashi looked and image of it and was told by Y/N the biological components eh grew it in seconds - Ok thank you they are beautiful- -No problem- Y/N and Hanashi went they own ways, as Y/N reach school he no longer saw the school kids, he entered U.A and saw at the distance Kirishima and his group of friends, Y/N just sigh as he made hs way to class as he entered class 1-A everyone just stared at him, he walks in front of the teacher's desk and just clear his throat  -Look, I apologize for how I acted yesterday and the day before that...so please don't look at me like that if you still hate me that is ok, I won't bother anyone anymore- -....- no one responds so he just headed to his desk quickly  sighing as he pulls some books out of his bag and class begun, no one spoke about him no whisper just students talking normally as if nothing had happened, it isn't unusual to see Y/N alone for his entire life he felt alone and unwanted so he stayed in his lane, he made no effort to talk to anyone during class, and just in a couple of hours  everyone went out of the classroom and only Y/N was left on the classroom Y/N pulled out a brand new uniform out of his bag and put it on Kirishimas desk and he put the flower ontop of the uniform with a little note saying Sorry for what happened yesterday with some writtig on the back also be careful the plant is poisonous, if you don't want it just throw it away... Y/N made his way to the rooftop to eat just a little and to take care of the pain in his body.

Kirishima what happened?- -Sorry guys I forgot my lunch money in my bag be right back- As Kirishima rush to class he saw Y/N be the last one to come out " I should not bother him" -Huh?- as he walks to his desk he saw the uniform and the little note grabbing both the flower and note on the different hands, he read the letter and rush outside but to his surprise no sign of Y/N was there, he went looking for Y/N until he remembers "the rooftop" Kirishima thought as he rushes his way to the rooftop slamming the door wide open frightening Y/N -Y/N!- -hi...- -Oh sorry did I scared you?- -Not really, you just startled me- -Oh sorry...So I saw your note...- -Oh yeah- -I forgive you and since you apologize to everyone I forgive you the double- Y/N giggle covering his smile with one hand -Ok I'll take that- -may I ask you something?- -Yeah- -Why the sudden change?- -Oh that...well something you said yesterday made me remember someone who made me suffer so much in my past and I remember that I never want to be like them or lower myself to their level- -Oh I see, so does this mean we can be friends?- -Um you want to be friends with me?- -Yeah?- -Um sure but I don't think your friends might like that- -Don't say nonsense they will come to know the real you, and in the meantime, I want to know the real you- Y/N just looked at Kirishima -Ok whatever you say- Y/N continue eating as Kirishima sat down next to him...

"This dude certainly is strange but I think I like that"

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