22. Hebrews 1:14

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(If I ever write that Tenko Tenkami has a different hero name from what I wrote before is because I have totally forgotten what I called him or if I ever gave him a hero name, also I couldn't find the remix of the song in the video, I know is from modern taking but the beat and background song is from a Russian song )

I was training with hawks his speed amazed me he was faster than me but I had enough reflex to be able to evade his attacks, I saw feathers fly at me as I raised my hands and shot the darts -Good just like that, now try to attack me up close!- I nodded as I made my poison wrap around my hands making big claws, I ran towards him slamming my hands in front of him missing him as he flew back -Not ba- He was cut off as he saw the poison from the claws jump at him in the form of spike following him around the arena, He just flew he looked at me as the spikes followed him -Not bad but the bad thing about use range users- In a blink, he was in front of me as he holds a long feather and was ready to slash me. I let out a surprised sigh as my hands were still on the ground, I used the strength from my arm to turn around as my legs were in the air, I release poison from my feet as my feet and his blade clashed -I did not know you could do that- I began to turn the hard poison back into the liquid making the edge get stuck in between my feet, I made myself fall in my back as I open my legs throwing the blade back and did what looked to be a small breakdance separating my legs as they turn into liquids tentacles that rotated with me cutting the air around me, almost slashing Hawks face as he flew back I stop moving a try standing up but my legs where now liquids and all I could do is to use my hands to raise myself from the ground -Shit- -Not bad kid, I you use dance in you attacks which is peculiar and unexpected, but you need to learn how to control that- Hawks said as he flew in the air  -Let's continue- -But your legs- -I can still fight- I said as I control the poison making my lower half of my body that the shape of the lower part of a spider -Ok- We continue like that for a couple minutes until I finally get tired and fall on my back. -You good?- -Yeah yeah need time for my legs to come back- -Ok, you have talent...I see why they choose you...also, why did you join in?- He asked as he looked from the corner of his eyes -Because of the money- -Oh...and It doesn't bother you to do stuff for them?- -...- Y/N knew what he was referring to -No...I enjoy it...I can finally feel like a good guy- -I see- He looked sad or pitiful -Do you ever feel guilty? I can't truly say I do- -Yes...Kid, you should not be here- -Why not... for my entire life they told me I was a villain I could do no good, and with this power and this position I can finally make some good I mean tell me honestly when have you seen a hero with my kind of power?- -...- -To the public, I am a villain due to this thing- I said as I pointed at myself and the poison- But now I can be good at the least just for a bit- He saw me again with pity. - Hey kid...also prepare yourself next month something big is coming so I need you to prepare we will fight a shit ton of villains so be ready- I looked at him -How big will this mission be?- He looked back at me without turning his body all I saw were his yellow eyes -Every hero in Japan will be there- before I continue he spoke -Also you and Tenko will go to U.A to train the kids since they notify me they will also take part in this...war- -Train them aren't they skill enough?- -Not and since we have you they want you to help them get stronger- I laugh it was ridiculous you had Midoriya a guy who could obliterate someone just by throwing a single punch, a literal formula 1 car, a literal whose quirk is just being bipolar and a girl who could be god -I don't think they need me- -Well the people above us say that they do-  


I arrived at U.A. I still had my hero costume put on as I walked in arriving at the giant door that separated me and the rest, I knock three times and proceed to enter -I apologize for interrupting your class...- I looked and It was Midnight -...Lady Midnight but I have been informed that I will be taking over your class alongside my...- I felt the warm breeze of sunlight hit the back of my body as a deep voice spoke -Alongside me- I watched as he enter the classroom and spoke giving them all indications that they should go put on their hero customs I looked around and they seemed confused but excited -I truly am sorry Lady Midnight but this has to do with you know... next month...- I said as I look at Tenko from the corner of my eyes he looked confused "doesn't he know about the war, I got inform first by Hawks but then got notify and inform properly by the Hero safety commission before arriving here...well he is Hawks pupil, not the commission's pupil" I thought to myself  -Oh that is fine but let me inform their homeroom teacher and he will head there- She said as she smiles I nodded and left the room as Tenko continue beside me -So ready to work together?- -I do things alone... do your thing and I'll do mine- -Cold... we'll be their teachers so we need to work together my viper- -Ok please what are you getting at here Tenko- -What can't I be friends with my ex?- -...As far as I know, you are not supposed to - Tenko stopped a little before getting behind me and began to hug me -You know that we are like heaven and hell different but one cannot exist without the other- He said as his breath hit my ear, I felt as with the back of his index finger he traces my neck -I remember you love to bite here, just like an animal you always crawled back at me even after burning your skin you always came back, I wonder if you will come back to me again...once in heaven no one wants to leave- he grabbed my neck and kissed me on the cheek...I saw him walk off -Are you ok?- Kirishima said as I turn around and looked at him -...Yes...I thought you have left for the changing rooms- -I wanted to say Hi...Hi- I giggle as I cover my mouth -Hi- He looks at me and smiles, and he walked beside me -Be prepared Kiri, I will not go easy on you guys- -I know- -...See you then on the training grounds- -Ok- He ran to the changing rooms as I walked alone into familiar halls "School has always been a hell hole" I thought to myself as I finally reach out the outside to see Tenko stretching -You finally came, so what's the plan for this idiots?- -Don't kill them...but make them see their life flash before their eyes- -Sounds fun- I look at Tenko -Have you ever seen someone's life flash before them?- -...- -Thought so don't go easy on them- I said as I stretched bending my back -I would love to see the life drain from your eyes- He said in a soft and quiet voice -As if you could- 

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