13. Pandemic

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"Where are you Y/N you are going to be late for class," Kirishima thought to himself as he waited outside for him "I will call him just to make sure he is ok" As Kirishima pulled out his phone and called Y/N he was staring at the ceiling just waiting for him to pick up. Y/N on the other hand was sitting on what looked to be a limo with the same couple from last night  -We are glad that you took the deal young man- the woman said as she handed him a couple of papers- -What is this?- -The contract don't worry, you have time to read it as we head to the building- -Ok- Y/N felt his phone ring -Could you give me a minute someone is calling me; Hello- -Y/N!- Kirishima accidentally shouted as he was filled with relief from hearing his voice -What's up Kiri?- -Where are you? you are going to be late for school- -Oh about that, I got kidnapped and I don't know where they are taking me- -WHAT!- Kirishima shouted -Chill I'm just kidding, I'm heading to a place where they are offering me a hero study work, I'll call you when I can ok?- Kirishima just sigh as he quietly smiles -Sure dude, be safe- -I'll tell you the details later, bye Kiri- -Bye- Y/N finish the call as he read the papers and the contract, there isn't anything suspicious just the thing that bugs Y/N is the work/study hours he will receive they are much more than the usual -What is the deal with this "training" hours? It says I will work with you ten hours every day- -Well that is the minimum that we can give you and since you already pass your Hero License your school is giving you a whole week to train with pro heroes but instead you will be working with us and remember the whole time you are getting paid- -How much?- -Read the next page- The woman said smirking, Y/N read the next page, and the only thing he could o widen his eyes -This much?- -Yes sir- the man said -40K for real...the government truly has money to waste- -the money will not only be from the government but also from sponsors that want a young training hero as their model- -Model? Never seen me as a model, that but sure the more money the better- -We are glad to hear that- Soon enough they arrived at the building, it was huge there so many people in it too, as they headed up to the last floor a soon as they reach the last floor Y/N could feel the atmosphere change all of the sudden when finally as the doors open up he saw her that woman with blond hair -Hello young man, are you ready to become the hero we so desperately need?- ...

"I wonder where could he be right now, it has already been a couple of hours so he must be out" Kirishima wonder to himself as he wrote down every word Mr mic was saying, soon enough it was already lunchtime "maybe I should call Y/N... no he probably is busy" -Here Kiri something wrong?- Mina ask -Yeah dude you been off all day- Sero added -Is it because of Y/N he didn't come to school...Oh, have you been thinking of him the entire day huh?- -No it's not that that someone ask him to work with them as a hero and I was just wondering who could that be -Probably someone's lame shitty hair- -I don't know it sounded as if it was something serious- -Now that you talked about it did you guys already decided with who you are going to go to do your hero work studies?- Mina with curiosity filling her eyes -Yeah- Everyone responded as they continue talking they saw someone from the corner of their eyes, it was Y/N that was heading towards Principal Nezu's office -Oh he is here- Sero said -Making Kirishima turn around, and waving at him, Y/N Quickly notice and waved back smiling softly before continuing walking -Prinicipal Nezu!- -Oh hello- -I needed to give you these- Y/N said as he handed him a couple of papers- -What is this?- -Oh papers from the Public Safety hero commission- The squad heard him say that and everyone stared -No way that idiot got called by them- Bakugo said angry and a bug that he got to work and study with them -Is there something wrong?-  Kirishima said wondering why he was suddenly angry -he will be studying with the people who control and give orders to the heroes, they are in control of everything or that is what I've heard and read- -Wow Y/N must be amazing to get called from a place like that- -What did you say Shitty hair!- 

Y/N finished talking with Principal Nezu and as soon as he did Kirishima ran as fast as Iida -Y/N- -Oh hi Kiri- -How did it go?- -Well honestly better than expected- -Really tell me everything- Kirishima said as he walks beside Y/N hearing him speak softly at him, his eyes glued onto Y/N's snake eyes he just stared at him almost hypnotize by them he started to blush a little seeing every small detail from Y/N, how he moved his hands as he talks twirling them around when he was excited or how he moved his fingers on the air; how when Y/N ate with Kirishima after talking to Principal Nezu he grabs small portions of food with his chopsticks and rapidly put it inside his mouth, how he chews on his food slowly but always had more food to his mouth filling his check with food softly smiling at the taste of the delicious food; How when something Y/N speak, his fangs would accidentally come out "cute" he thought to himself as he saw Y/N with not only great respect but also with care, only then he notice he was staring for way too long, quickly looking away  -Something wrong Y/N?- -Oh its nothing really- -You sure?- -Y...yeah don't worry about it- -Keep telling me about today please- -You sure aren't you bored hearing me speak all the time?- -I could never, I love to hear you speak- Kirishima said quickly turning red and looking away  -I always thought I was annoying whenever I speak for too long-  -What!? I love to hear you talk about your brother, your day, and even the science stuff that I don't quite understand but I still love hearing you ramble about it and about all the things you love- -...Thank you- Y/N said putting one hand on his mouth, Kirishima saw as there was a slite blush on his face  -Y/N we should go out and celebrate- -For what?- -For all your hard work- -Um...sure- Kirishima went as quickly as he could to the bending matching and pick up sodas -Here a toast- Kirishima said as he gave Y/N the soda can -A toast to us, that we will be able to become great heroes and help plenty of people- He said as both of them, tap each other's sodas Kieishima having his usual shark smile painted on his face -Now Red Riot the Manliest hero there is what would you like me to toast about- Y/N said making Kirishima gets frozen in place -Kiri?- He had this stupid smile on his face he wouldn't move even a single bit he was happy to hear his hero name be called specially by Y/N someone who Kirishima considered one of the most important people in his life. 

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