26. Apophis's Son

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  Art by @yap1co on Twitter 

Everyone watched as nothing remained only a puddle of toxins that spread through the destroyed home, Kirishima screamed and yelled Y/Ns name hopping his friend would come back, and as he kneel in front of the toxins he notice it began to move when suddenly a arm emerged from it shaking as it slammed itself on the wooden floorboards -Y/N!- kirishima shouted in relief as he watch another arm emerger, as he slowly emerged slowly, his naked body emerging as everyone watched the monster slowly pull himself from the toxins only only revealing his scar torso, his wet hair and skin could be seen he was breathing heavily gasping for air as a fish out of water, Kirishima smiled but as he look closer to him, noticing his back as it was adorn with thousands of scars some superficial others deeper and more gruesome his entire back told a story, well not a nice one but the it told the story of massaquer soul -Jesus crist- Kaminari said- as the toxin spike falled down letting everyone for the vile monste he was always meant to be, his long hair was being fulled by gravity it almost looked like he was a horror movie character as droplets of toxins droped -Oh you like my back- Y/N he said with a cold unhuman voice slowly standing up letting the toxins dance around his waist covering only his legs and waist as he was fully standing now he looked at Kirishima with a death loon his face, his eyes widen as a snake for they didn't blink even for a second -Oh do you like them My father and Tengo gave them to me...you know what they say...well, I use to tell myself this...everyone leaves but- He elbow as he caresses his shoulder Kirishiams eyes darted to his torso as he looks two giant hand prints burned into his skin, he looked at the burned fleshed almost peeling off, his dead expression made Kirishima walked away -What?... Are you afraid?- He got closer to him making sure he could remember the fear in his eyes -I told you...that you made me into this monster...no suffer the consequences...for I'm no longer human, but a villain- Y/N spoke as spikes ran throughout the house cutting everything on its path like giant chainsaws spinning and slicing everything -Run- Kirishima shouted as Sero grabbed on to Hanashi as he and the rest of the team ran outside, as they did Kirishima only harden his skin preventing from getting Y/N from hurting him.

-You all called me a monster...Should I prove that you are all right-he spoke as he touch his abdomen scratching his burned skin Kirishima walked closer to him trying to hold his hand but Y/N moved them almost slapping Kirishima's hands -Please Y/N come with me, I'll help you, I can talk to everyone and we can resolve this- Y/N almost smirked as just one side of his lips tilted a bit upwards -Everyone betrays me, everyone abandons me...why would you be so different? You already did once- Y/N asked as he stares into Kirishima's eye -I'll let you live for you have been kind, but just know- He got closer to Kirishima as the toxins began to wrap onto his legs -That every single one of your friends will die today before sundown- Kirishima felt his legs be stuck as toxins encased his legs as he watches Y/N turn around as his toxins follow him as he walked outside engulfing his body dressing him in the mixture of purple, green and black liquids -Y/N please don't do this!- He screamed as he hit the toxins breaking it as he was finally released from the toxins but as he looked up again Y/N was gone.


-Fuck what do we do, we can't take him down- Sero said as he looked at Denki, Sero, and Momo -I'll contact the rest of the class and maybe Hawks, and tried to evacuate- Momo said as she looked back at Hanashi who held his stomach wanting to cry and puke as he felt it was all his fault -Come on Hanashi here isn't safe- She took his hand and ran as she called the rest of the class -Denki electrocute him we will try and contain him- Mina said as she prepared her acid as they heard strong footsteps clash with water as they look to the entrance of the house -how do you wish to die...should I make your organ burst? should I paralyze your bain? Should I cut you open?- Y/N asked as he raised his hands shooting thousands of darts at the, Mina quickly reacted as she ran in front of both Sero and Denki -Acid veil- She shouts as acid flows in front of her stopping the darts, she released more acid as the toxins didn't stop -I don't know how much longer I can't- She was suddenly stopped as a tentacle hold onto her ankle rising her up before slamming her into a nearby building -You are just too stupid to be heroes- Y/N spoked as he moved his fingers sending tentacles after them -Kaminari now!- Sero Shouts as he uses his tapes to pull himself into a building, as Kaminari shoots out a small circular sphere that sticks itself into a wall behind Y/N -Electro!- He was stopped by Y/N -You don't want to electrocute your friends do you?- he said as he click his tongue he turn to see Mina still being held by the liquid tentacle and turns to look at Sero who is being held by several tentacles -Now tell me will you sacrifice your friends? To stop me?- Y/N asked as his body moved like a snake twisting his limbs as they broke and cracked, Denki watched in horror as his arms and legs turned purple and green, as his limbs each released several slim branches that flew towards Denki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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