19. ...Run...

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art by @Messaibi

(Ok I think starting from here I'm going to get into a few spoilers that are in the manga also I might get a little religious here, I don't tend to mock or disrespect any religion I'm portraying this specific religion because is the one I was raised with and because it helps the plots, also because I think it suits this specific chapter )

A rather strange group was gathering inside what looked to be an abandoned church they had weird masks and garments that resembled that of a cult the scent of musk and feces drenched the place, as at the front of the church right in front of the altar was a gathering of people, who all kneel down as a man seemed to preached as a man holding what seemed to be a bible as a tall man who was the only one who wore white amongst the sea of black garments spoke as he opens the book as if he were to continue something he hadn't quite finish

- Revelation 13:1-18

And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's mouth. And to it, the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?" And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. ...See bothers of sites the book of God doesn't lie here says that a best would crawl from the underworld that it would be suited as a normal man and be throne to be a king, isn't that exactly what we have seen beast transform into a human and treated so didn't we see a couple of weeks ago a politician who was a wolf and a religious figure who was an eagle what is this blasphemy those are sons and daughters of the devil are taking over mankind those aren't Gods creations but creatures of the night that of Lucifer we must get rid of those bile creatures we most spread the true word of God- -Amen- the crowd shouted as they continue to kneel down when all of the sudden the front door bust wide open and dark figure lingers as an unknown mist flows right in - I heard you were talking about the word of God...I hope you can finally see him in heaven...send me his regards- the figure said as the mist turn into a giant snake that devour at least half of the members as the other members ran to safety they saw the snake composed of mist containing the members inside it they saw as the members twisted on the ground as they screamed in pain -An amp up version of Arsine, Arsine destroy the capacity of the red blood cells to transport oxygen through the body, as well as lung failure this new version allows me to kill anyone who has to inhale the Arsine in a time span of...three seconds even just small breathes, will make the gas combines with the oxygen inside your lungs almost duplicating the dosage of it, it's my most recent masterpiece- the figure revealed itself, to be a young man -Oh and I love to hear their scream, it makes me tingle- Y/N said as he raised his hands and point at the last few members as a wide string of liquid toxins as a wide and lengthy string of toxins as as strings moved as if they had a mind of there one the tips of the strings took a shape of the of the head of an axe, as the tentacle with the axe head went wild it destroy part of the structure as it beheaded, dismembered and slice in half many cult members.

Y/N smiled as he stood still and saw the carnage -What bile creatures you are running and begin for mercy, you preached the word of your lord but not followed it, he never run out of fear he sacrifices himself for all of us... too bad he doesn't exist, there is no God here no one will save you from me...I will punish you all Y/N giggles as only the leader was left as he approached him he began to pray and as he rose his toxic tentacle towards the air but was stopped as he heard the gasp of a woman as he turns around she saw a familiar face he had seen on the news as a couple of other men appear -O my what a bloody meeting this is- a man with a mask said; Y/N's eyes widen -I...it can't be its... the league- Y/N smiled and slice the cults leader throat in an instant -I can't believe you are actually here- he began to laugh as a sinister smile twisted onto his face and laugh maniacally but suddenly stop and look death serious -I can kill you and bring a more peaceful place- -...- silent from them -I thought heroes did not kill- The lizard man said -Oh you must be spiner, well let me tell you something...- Y/N giggles -I'm far worst then any hero or any of you scums of the earth -Y/N summon his poison as a giant shadow appear behind him, he smile as the villains full out their weapons, a burn man wirh scars rose his hands towards Y/N letting out hell fire burst from his hands the heat was like that of the sun everything around the man died from the heat, when he stoped he saw barrior and a smile emerge from it Y/N walked himself out of the barrier as he saw the young girl known as Toga Himiko, along side the lizard man called spinel and the mask man Twice all three of them attack at Y/N but as they pulled out their blades the toxic spikes protected Y/N as each spike collided with their designated blades, as they spared he hear them discuss with each other.

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