11. Provisional Hero License Exam

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art by JeeZ Art 

It's been a couple of days since the students of U.A and Y/N started special move training, Y/N was walking to the bus with the rest of his classmates, as he sat down he was looking out the window as the trees cleared those beautiful green leaves letting them dance on the air with one another, his thoughts were stopped by a redhead that sat next to him being as joyfully as always -Hey man ready for the exam?- Y/N turns to the redhead -I have mixed feeling about it- -What! Why?- -I don't think I should be here, I'm just here because of something I've done, people shouldn't look up to me or see me as a hero to them I'll always be a villain- -Hey don't say that look at me, I don't see you as someone evil I think you are a wonderful person that has so much more potential to be more than just villains which you are not but you can save so many people and you are here because you are super smart and strong, you deserve to be here- -...Thank you, Kiri, but I hated heroes so much, and to become a hero...it feels weird- Y/N grinned at Kirishima with a bittersweet smile that made Kiri feel a little bit distressed "how can I help Y/N he is my best friend and I hate to see him like that...What would Red Riot do?" Y/N stayed silent the entire ride, his feeling was betraying him, there was a constant battle that was occurring at the moment his heart had the desire to help people, to make Hanashi proud of him to erase his past and make a better future not only for him but for Hanashi even if that meant becoming a hero, a scum of the earth that pretend to like to help people only to get money or fame, those same heroes that hurt and torture their own family "Why would I ever be wanted to be associate with that but I don't want to be called a villain anymore I don't want to hurt others, I hate myself for that and I punish myself for hurting so many people...maybe Kirishima is right maybe..." Y/N thought to himself feeling going downhill as he had all those mixed feelings. 

Soon enough they arrived at the place Y/N stood up following Kirishima that tried to cheer him and make him feel more confident about becoming a hero, as the I-A class was out the bus Mr. Aizawa seemed to meet up with a "friend" as he did that a tall not bad looking black hair boy walked up to Midoriya, he seemed off to Y/N but everyone seemed to like him, he began to speak distorted complements, that only Y/N was able to see through those them, he walk next to Midoriya who had shining bright eyes from all the nice things the boy with black hair was lying about -You know I hate people like you, especially if they are heroes; I can't imagine what would happen if you become a hero, of course, society will eat up that fake smile you are putting, please stop talking crap and go back to your place - Y/N said as he walked inside the building, the tall black hair guy seemed off after that comment and seemed almost tipped off by Y/N and it was showing -Hey Y/N that wasn't nice- -I had to say it;  Kirishima be careful out there- Y/N said as he went to the changing rooms and put on his hero costume.

The strange man that reminded Y/N a lot of Aizawa explained how in the current state of society heroes a being overflowing the country he continues explaining how there is only a limited space for those who desire the hero license, one-hundredth to be exact "a test of speed and skill sounds fun I have the advantage here with the rest of the schools over the other  U.A students, So strategically I'm better on my own, If I join a group they will only be a burden to me and my abilities even so I'm would probably be outnumbered by school students grouping themselves, as long as I can get control of a certain location I might be able to win and get a certified victory" Y/N was set, he had already put on the targets on his body all located in strategical places two were placed on each hand and one of his hip, the ground shake as the walls and ceiling open up to reveal what seemed like a battlefield -You seem all prepared- Kirishima said as he smiled softly at Y/N -Yeah I'm ready to win this- -So wanna team up?- He said with excitement and a big smile on his face -Oh sorry  Kirishima but to be completely honest I want to stay far away from the entire class- everyone from the class heard Y/N and everyone looks at Y/N with curiosity but not anger-Sorry darlings but I don't want to be a prey, you might not understand my reasoning now but when this game starts you'll see why rather stay by myself, Kirishima I would love to team up but- Y/N got closer to Kirishima giving him a heads up for what he should spect of the exam -Everyone knows your quirks, everyone saw the sports festival so you will be easy targets, be careful and think things through Kirishima for you all its better to team up but no one knows my quirk here so I have an advantage and I won't let that advantage go to waste; Be smart, be strong and soon we both might be heroes- Y/N said in one breath softly grinning at Kirishima -Don't lose!- -I won't!-  Kirishima said as he head out with Bakugo -I should leave to then, well everyone good luck- Y/N said as he walks away from Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, and Todorokis direction he headed to what look to be a city "My abilities work best on closed terrain, I don't have the brute power like Todoroki or Bakugo, that is why I must be careful and use my area of space properly, that is why I created this" Y/N put both hands on the grounds realizing gallon upon gallons of toxins -black widow's web- Y/N whisper as the now crystalline toxins created what looked to be strings on the ground and the close-by building.

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