18. Aprodities Comotion

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song:  - Miss Camaraderie by Azealia Banks-

-Guys we should go out - Sero said -Yeah, I feel exhausted after, the joint hero training with class 1-B I need to get some fresh air- - Hey Kiri you know why Y/N wasn't here for the training with class B-1?- Kiri just looked at Denki, trying to think something out the last time he saw Y/N was when he came to school for one day after the news interview and after that, he hasn't had much contact with Y/N -  I'm not sure we haven't talked much since the last time I saw him, I think he is doing interviews and continuing his hero work- -You think he's going to drop out?- Mina asks Kiri -Why do you say that because he already has a stable job with the hero commission and besides he never comes to school is logical- Sero said making Kirishima panic a little -No no I don't think, so why would he? - Everyone just stared at him Denki even giggled a little -You don't want him to leave? Aw don't tell m you have a crush on him? - He said as he giggled and the others joined him, Kirishima kept quiet -It's just teasing Kirishima- Sero said as he laughed -You don't really like him? do you?- -...- -Kiri, you don't right?- Mina said a little worried -....- -YOU DO!- everyone shouted loud enough that Bakugo stomps his way downstairs to see what the hell was going on -Hey Idiots shut up!- they ignored him - Kiri- Sero said -There is no way to like that guy- -You saw what he did to those people when he first arrived, how he treated you- -Yes but- It was obvious to Kirishima that his friend didn't like Y/N a single bit especially Mina who ever since he attacks that girl didn't like him at all. 

Mina had a deep hatred for men who would hit women even if it was in self-defense when she was younger one of her best girlfriends had an incident with an older guy who was at the time the girl's boyfriend, she remembers the day when she came to school with a bruce neck and a purple eye, she tried to help her but for some reason, she would never level the guy till...she was killed they were young and stupid but Mina couldn't blame her, the guy was charming and handsome "all a girl wants is to be loved equally, to be respected and appreciated...well that is what anything wants in a relationship not only women but I knew what men like Y/N where like they didn't value women even do they say they wouldn't do such thing...Hypocrites" She would say to herself she was broken-hearted to see Kirishima fall for such a detestable guy he was worst than her friend's ex-boyfriend, she did not think Kirishima in a romantic manner but she loved him as a friend and respected him but... she was scared that something similar would happen to Kirishima that is why she always dislike Y/N, of course, none of the boys knew this. 

-Y/N is a good person, he saved a bunch of people, just in the news he has been stoping bad people the entire month- -...- there was silence from both parties till Mina broke it -Just be careful, he might look good but he might be your worst nightmare when you least expected Kiri- There was tension on the air till Bakugo broke it  -Shut up idiots no one care for someone crush- -Yeah, it's none of our business we just want you to be safe... So anyway let's go out, everyone has thirty minutes to get ready we are going to the mall- The tension was broken just a little bit by Denki as everyone went to their rooms  Kirishima dragging Bakugo to go out with them.

As everyone arrived at the mall all together they saw someone familiar, he was walking like a young joyfully boy who was sitting on his shoulders the boy was growing flowers from his hair as he placed them onto the familiar friend and foe of the group -Hey Y/N lets get some ice-cream- -Sure bud, where you wanna go? there are many ice cream shops here- -Um- the boy started to think- -Should we walk and see what looks best?- -Yeah, that sounds good-  

-No way we found him!- Mina said -It's luck- Kirishima said as he ran towards Y/N -Hey Y/N!-  -Hey wait Kiri don't-  

As Kirishima ran toward Y/N look at him and softly smile  -Hey Kir, it's been a while- As Kirishima got closer he saw Y/N had changed a lot since the last time he looked a little more muscular, his hair was longer and it was braided in some areas -Y...you look different- Kiri said as he said blush quietly  -Thanks- -Oh hey little ma, how are you?- -Hi Kirishima, I'm good just spending some time together- -Yeah Hanashi and I haven't had any time together till today- -That is sweet- As Mina and the rest walked to Y/N -Oh hey- She said -Hi- both responded to each other in a very cold tone but it was broken by Hanashi who wanted to greet them -Hello, I'm Hanashi Y/Ns brother- -Aww- Everyone said as they greeted Y/N- -your too cute to be his little brother- Mina said "Oh this bitch" Y/N though to himself -Well Kiri, I won't bug you any longer go have fun I'll try to stay away and not bother you guys- -Byeee- Hanashi said as Y/N waved goodbye -Wait- Kirishiam said as he looked at his group and they signal him not to - You can stay please its been long since we talked and I want to catch up-  he said blushing harder -That's it I'm going back to the dorms- Bakugo said -Come on Bakubro don't e be rude its just for a while- -I'm not sure Kiri, its obvious I'm not wanted here, so I'll leave you be...Bye- Y/N said as he walked away and Hanashi waved goodbye, everyone heard a bit of Hanashis and Y/Ns conversation -They don't like you do they Y/N? Why?- Y/N giggled at Hanashis question -I'm not very like among people...hope you have better luck than me in the future-  Mina felt a bit remorse as did the rest as they saw Hanashi for the first time -Didn't know your crush had a little brother- Denki said -Yeah Y/N loves him so much, he hasn't had time to see him so I imagine that is the reason they are here- -...- Let's go I really want to do some shopping- Mina said 

Y/N and Hanashi were having a great time in the ice cream shop eating and just talking as they always did, of course, Hanashi talked way more than Y/N, as they talk from the corner of his eye Y/N saw some suspicious men, as they walked around the mall and went shopping well Hanashi mostly went shopping -You can big whatever you like- -Really!?-Hanashi said as his eyes shined -Yep- as he ran to every store he bought and saw little stuff, life plushies, toys but what he spent most of his money one was on: gardening tool, like dirt, pots, flower seeds and much more -Is that all?- -Yep- -Our small garden is going to be full of plants as they went out mall they saw people running as a building stumble -Y/N, look!- Y/N looked like a giant woman accompanied by other two regular size men accompanied her, she was holding what seem to be a staff that seem to shoot lighting out of it -Look, since apparently, no heroes are around here I'm going to go do my job, so you better stay here- As he did so a couple went past them -Hey you two- The couple looked at him scared -Take care of him, I'm a hero and he is my brother, I'll take care of the problem, just keep him safe and if anything happens to him you are both death Y/N said with a dark look on his face ¿ the couple just nodded and grab Hanashi and ran on the opposite direction as Y/N ran towards the woman he let all of his poison out, filling the streets with his toxins, as he did so he created a transparent cube that surrounded the three wanna be villans -I call this one Pandoras Box! - He shouted at the three villains caught their attention The woman looked at Y/N -So this is the hero they sent...you are quiet small honey- -Well I'll be your opponent, I hope you like the taste of my toxins...I'm pandemic-  -Aphrodite-  -Quiet a narcissist for calling yourself a  goddess of beauty and sex when...- Y/N giggled -You are just average, nothing extraordinary- The woman seemed tipped off -Boy!- She shouted as two men pulled out what seemed to be a bow and arrows and the other one a sword as both men pulled and moved their weapons at Y/N they saw he was already running toward him the man with the bow shot one arrow, and as it travels through the air it turns itself into six smaller arrows that Y/N easily stop with his poison darts as has slid in his own poison he evaded a whip attack from the other man as he slides between one of the mans wide open legs -Bad battle positions-  as he was now between two men as he was on the ground he uses his legs to push his lower body up as his he pushes himself upward with his hands on the ground spinning as he did a handstand hitting the back and front of both men as both grasps for air, Y/N push himself upward pushing himself high into the air,  releasing toxins that rapidly wrap around both men and as he spun on the air the poison tentacles that from Y/Ns hand-spun them around till the tenticles send them to face first into the ground.

 -Oh that was fun but too easy- Y/N giggles to himself -I thought they would be stronger, or maybe is this the fruit of my training- the so-called Aphrodite turned around, and her staff forced it into the ground as she did so four beams rapidly ran towards Y/N,  as they got close to Y/N four tentacles fight of the beam, the people who stayed close enough to see the fight just stared at Y/N some even had recorded the whole thing as the toxins fight of the beams Y/N quickly launch himself towards Afrodite releasing poison "Takes Kiri for inspiring me to make this move" As he dashes poison began to wrap around Y/Ns body  his face tested as a sinister smile appeared on his -I call this one Crimson Heart- Y/N said as his skin was cover with a solid toxin armor extending to his arms creating two giant blades as he jumps onto the woman, slicing the staff with a clean-cut the woman became frantic and try to attack with her bear hands but Y/N had realeas the poison that armour him anow creating strings that wrap the woman and nutrilice her -Be thankful that we are in braugth dailigth because if you had pull this up in the nigth I would have sever every limb from your body and would have slice the skin of that semi gorgeous face of yours- he said before kicking the woman on the face knocking her out. Y/N twisted his hand calling all the poison to him absorbing it as Y/N looked around he saw people were recording him and applauding him, as they did he saw the Baku squad had just arrived since Bakugo was ready to jump into action,  he hear people talk -How is he?- -Isn't he too young to be a hero?- -Should we ask him for an autograph?- -Thank goodness he was here to save us- Y/N smiled as he pushes his hair back  -Ladies, gentlemen I'm the Hero known as Pandemic a bit new to this industry but I'll do my best to help you all- he said as some people ran to him some young girls and some young guys got a little to close for his comfort -Now now calm down everyone- as he walks away he saw the police arrived -Here take this once they were causing trouble- Y/N said as he walked away from the crowd  catching up to Hanashi and the couple -Thanks for keeping him safe...now you can leave- the couple just ran off as fast as they could -You ok?- -Yep- Hanashi giggled and continue -That was fast- -Yeah they were to weak for me- both giggle but he was quickly surrounded by students and other people who wanted to talk to him Y/N pu Hanashi behind him covering him as he answer their questions as they record him he just try to run away as he quickly found his motorcycle grabbing Hanashi and speeding away. 

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