9. Eros Tales

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As all three students sat down at the table drinking some tea Kirishima continue asking him not important questions like "what is your favorite color? What music do you like?" questions about his life and small stuff until he reach a much bigger question -Have you ever fallen in love?- Y/N was startled by the joke that he was even shocked at some of the lavender tea Momo had made for them all, -Are you alright?!- Both said as they saw Y/N hit his chest and cough loudly both Momo and Kirishima pat Y/N on the back -Thank you, sorry that question startles me- -S...sorry- Kirishima remembering that is something he shouldn't talk with Y/N -...I was once, and it was the worst thing that could happen to me- Y/N sip on tea as he tried his best to contain the distortion that his face was going through from all those awful memories only he knew, he was holding the pain down trying his best not to let glims of weakness see the light of day -I don't think that can happen- Momo said innocently not knowing what Kirishima knew; Kirishima tried to warn her not to say anything but she had already ask Y/N -Believe me all those romantic movies show is just a fairy tale made by fools who think one day they can reach that...Have you guys been in love?- -...No...- Both of them said -See you guys don't know what the pain of loving someone is, one day you'll feel that pain in your heart many people know- -...- -I'm sorry for getting gloomy, I shouldn't have spoken- -No it's my fault for asking that question- -And mine for continue asking about it- -You are so polite but it's, goes on keep asking, its better to let this thing out that to keep them poisoning me- -A...are you sure?- Y/N just nodded his head affirming -Can I ask something?- -Momo said as she pour some more tea for Y/N and Kirishima -Yeah- 

-Do you still believe in love?- Y/N smirk softly -Good question, honestly no, love has died for me the only love I have left is the Agape the love for my brother as the last remaining family member I have, I was cursed by Eros so Storge or family love is the only thing I have left- Momo knew exactly what Y/N was saying when he used but Kirishima was lost -Storge?- -Storge is the family love one has for his family members the Greeks believed in many types of Love, Eros one-sided Love, Anteros mutual love,  Agape unconditional love, and so many others that are related to other gods or just personifications of love- Kirishima was a little confusing but he tried his best to understand -But if is that so why give up on Love?- Momo asks -Because what "he" did to me was much worst than just a simple break up, it wasn't even that...He tore me naked and tear me apart limb by limb for everyone to see- -Wait for real?!- Y/N giggle -No dummy is just a figurative way of putting it- -Ok, sorry- Kirishima giggle feeling dumb by both Momo and Y/N but he couldn't stop thinking Y/N saying he -He?- -Yeah I dated a guy, Is there a problem with that?- Y/N said as his face darken and his eyes got sharper with every word being colder -N...no I was just wondering- -It's ok- Y/N said as his tone and facial expression returned to normal -Why at you guys so worried about love? You Momo are gorgeous any guy will be lucky to be with you besides from what I have seen you are super smart, Kirishima you are super nice to talk to, to be around, you bright and smile will always bring happiness to others so I don see you having a problem getting a girlfriend- Y/N said as both Kirishima and Momo blush from such nice compliments, Y/N Knew the whole time the rest of the class was listening to their conversation at this point in his life he was already used to it, all the glares, all the whispering, and everyone closely hearing what he had to say -Well it seems to be getting late I should go- -Wait!- Kirishima grab Y/N by the wrist -Stay a little bit longer, please; I know you should show me how to pole dance!- -What no!- -What why?- -Because I think you look manly- Y/N stared at Kirishima -I don't have a pole dance for..- He was interrupted by Momo pulling a pole from her arm -What I want to see your talents- -...- -Ok but don't make a scene or something super extraordinary- Momo put up a pole as she saw how Y/N quickly climbed it and was hooked to it as if the pole was holding him and not him to the pole, Both Kirishima and Momo watch as he almost was levitating on mid-air.

Soon the other student that had to continue spying on Y/N sat with Momo and Kirishima to watch Y/N securely dance with the pole, but the move that amazed everyone was when he grabbed the pole with both hands and open his legs making split mid-air and quickly closing his leg making it look as if he just clap with his legs almost tearing his pants that just barely let him do the split -OK that enough, I almost broke my jeans...How...- He saw as the entire class watch him, and he quickly began to blush in shame "I never had this many people watch me pole dance" Everyone applauded as Y/N turn around -I thought I said I didn't want you guys to make this a big scene or something- -You are you one that ended up showing off- Kirishima said -...- -You did good- Momo said blushing, everyone was blushing -You should teach the girls how to pole dance - Mineta said with his annoying little voice -Shut up!- Everyone shouted -I mean I can teach you a thing or two but you will get a lot of bruises- Y/N said still looking away -I think I should go now, I need to pick up Hanashi, well goodbye- Y/N quickly ran away leaving everyone, Kirishima tried to catch him but he was to fast -Well that was something- Mina said -What jealous much that there is someone that can out dance you?- -No it's not that- -...- 

The next day soon came and Y/N gave Aizawa the sketch of his hero costume -Here it is send it to whatever hero designer you like- -You also need a hero name- -I don't know pick whatever you like- -It's your name, pick it, it will define who you are as a hero- -...Fine let me think about it- "what should I call myself...maybe a name of a god, mm no too flashy..." The class began and Midnight appear ready for her class until Aizawa whisper something to her -I see- She looked at Y/N and smile -Y/N would you be so kind to pick a hero name, maybe your classmate can help- She said as she looked him -I already know what I want to be name- -Oh good, come here and write it down on this little board- Y/N followed orders and wrote it down, as e did so Kirishima wonder what his hero name would be but he knew it would be manly -I don't care if it's sound a little to stream but my hero name would be "code name Pandemic the Toxin killer" (It's not related to what we are going through right now, I just liked that  how it sounds) 

-I think it suits you Y/N except for the killer part- She giggles -Thank you- Y/N sat down as he watches Kirishima from the other side of the class give him a thumbs up with a big smile on his face making Y/N blush a little, It was soon was already lunchtime, Y/N quickly stood up and head out without Kirishima, but the redhead wouldn't let his friend leave him -Hey Y/N where you heading so quickly?- -Oh Kiri go eat with you friends I need to study and do some test on the school's lab, don't worry about me- -But- -Go eat I won't be eating today anyways my quirk is acting out again and I haven't been feeling so good so I just need to do something on the lab, ok?- -Ok....are you sure you don't want any company?- -Yeah, I work best when I'm alone- -well If I stay quiet will you let me be there?- -Are you planning to eat in the lab, No if you are planning on dying, I'll be working with my poison so I don't think it would be a good idea for you to eat there, Go eat with your friend group I'll see you at class or the training camp- Y/N said as he opens his notebook and checks some stuff while walking toward the lab -Ok- Kirishima said in a sad tone -Maybe next time- -O...ok- "I wanted to spend time with Y/N but well I have been spending a lot of time with him, maybe its time I check on the squad" Y/N without giving it a second thought went to the lab and prepare the stuff he needed immediately, Kirishima quietly left him be.

"What is the working on? Maybe some medicine?" Kirishima thought but in reality, Y/N was working on something more than just any medicine, he was working on a possible cure for his quirk, of course, he wasn't an expert on Chemistry, Y/N did have university-level knowledge of advanced chemistry and Biology, his entire life he had this desire to study and feel poison go through his veins, sting his flesh with toxins and flow through his veins this desire was nothing more than just a basic instinct of him given by his quirk, he knew this and desired to study quirks as well knowing well how much his quirk affect his way of thinking, Y/N started to take notes and study different mixtures and antidotes he had composed himself after doing excessive research not only of modern medicine but also from ancient medicine, he had manage to composed antidotes far more stronger than any modern antidote, but it didn't work well when it came in contact with his fingers, every no and then he would "experiment on himself pouring antidotes onto his skin, burning himself as he cried in pain well this experiment was more of a torture then a experiment "please let this one be the one" Y/N took one of his gloves of exposing he stuck his whole hand on one of the jars that contained one of many antidotes, inevery single one he stuck his hand on ended up turning into a void  black color, and everytime his hand will burn as if he was putting his hand over fire, burning his skin "there goes my hope again, dying from all this poison" he thought to himself  as he threw away all the antidotes and put his gloves back on....

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