8. Aquiles and Patroclo

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Y/N had released even more poison than the last time he was punching his limit, as Kirishima dashed toward him trying to punch him the poison tentacles started to rapidly pierce his hardened skin, as more tentacles appear in front of Kirishima he just block every attack, It looked as if he was fighting against giant scorpions -Keep going don't stop!- -You sure?!- -Yeah!- Y/N just nodded and continue his long-range attack as he looked from afar, seeing how the tentacles surrounded Kirishima and how they were all striking every part of his body "Should I be worried? A bad time strike and he'll be poison in a vital area" Y/N thought but his thoughts were stopped as Kirishima Ran and destroyed every single tentacle on its way making its way to Y/N as he slam his feet on the ground cracking it he rose his first right in front of Y/N aiming for his solar plex as he raises his fist that collided with Y/N's palms that were protecting him from the sudden attack, Y/N manage to barely block the attack releasing small quantities of poison in front of him, as for the tentacles they all followed Kirishima and grab him from his legs, arms and torso trying to retain him but, he was much more physically strong than any of those tentacles they barely contain him, Y/N gasp in a small pain as he was push backward till the edge of the stone pillar, he began to cough as he tries to regain his breath -Shit sorry dude, did I went too far!? did I hurt you?!- Kirishima began to panic a little as he ran to Y/N who was rather surprised by the sudden showcase of strength -I'm ok, don't worry you just caught me off guard- -A...are you sure?!- -Yeah, also a great way of aiming for my solar plex- Y/N slowly but surely regaining his breath and composure -Great job Kirishima!- -R?- -Yeah, of course, I was at a disadvantage-? how come?- -I have a preference for range attacks, I don't like getting close and personal especially when it comes to fighting quirks similar to yours, I may have had the upper hand when it comes to range and powerful attacks but as soon as you came close to close-range attacks you would have beaten me if it wasn't for my fast reaction time- -Wow you are so smart!- Y/N blush a little -It was nothing really just basic strategic knowledge- Both boys continue talking, well it was mostly them praising each other. 

-ok class we will end here go to the locker room and change- As everyone left Kirishima grabbed Y/N's shoulder - Hey so you wanna work together on your hero costume, what about you come to the dorms and come to my room we can work there together0?- -I'll see what I can do, remember I need to take care of Hanashi- -True- -I'll try to ask someone of his parents if it's alright for him to stay with them for a while- Kirishima seemed to agree and both boys walk to the changing rooms, Y/N wait up outside till everyone was finished, making sure he was the only person there. 

After hours Y/N returned to U.A after leaving Hanashi at one of his friend's houses, as he made his way up to the school he carried a small sketchbook, that was used mostly to write down formulas and notes on certain poisons, as he parks his motorcycle he made it to 1-A's dorms, as he walked up to there he quickly saw Kirishima standing there looking at his phone -Kiri!- Y/N shouted as he eagerly shouted -Oh! Y/N- Kirishima quickly ran towards Y/N as he saw how Kirishima was wearing a shirt a little too small for his size, it tightens around his shoulders, chest, and biceps, Making Y/N blush a little "to be completely honest I haven't been paying to much attention to Kirishima's appearance, and just recently have noticed how fucking ripped this dude is" Y/N talk to himself as Kirishima quickly approach him -It's so nice to see you!- -We just saw each other earlier Kirishima- Kirishima quickly blush to notice how dumb he acted "I'm such an idiot why did I say that now he thinks I'm less manly and just an idiot -Oh yeah but it's nice to see you again- -Yeah- -should we go in?- -Oh sorry yeah this way- Kirishima walk quickly to the door opening it for Y/N -Wow such a gentleman- Y/N said with a jokingly tone but Kirishima just smile and blush as Y/N walked in, the first thing Y/N saw was how everyone was gathered at the living room some student where sitting on the couch all together and other where sitting on a table like Momo and Jirou sipping on tea, as soon as Y/N quietly walked in everything silent again "Ah I hate that unencesarry silence everyone makes, what is there deal if you want to say something spit it the fuck out" he thought to himself as he just nodded his head to everyone as if he was saying hi to them, Kirishima came to Y/N rescue saying hi to everyone and covering Y/N up with his body even if he was smaller then Y/N -here lets take the elevator to my room- Kirishima said excitedly as Y/N just nodded from the corner of his eyes he watch as the pink girl and the other young men where hostilenly looking at Y/N "so its seems I never stop being the outsider" Y/N thought to himself, as they both head to Kirishimas room Y/N Only looked down -We are here- as Kirishima open the door to reveal his room it was just as Y/N imagine -You room is something- -W...what does that mean?- -It means that is just an extension of you - -???- -Ok to put it in simple words just as how I imagine it, it goes with your personality- -Ohhh!- Y/N giggle as he sat on the floor, Kirishima thought he was going to sit on the bed so he made some space for him

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