24.... Living Corpse...

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Kirishima's breathing was heavy, as his body stayed still like a rock watching Y/N desperately run as he held his body with his hands, almost desperately trying to keep it from falling apart, he was a falling wall that was held by one person as little by little bricks began to fall onto him...that's how Kirishima saw Y/N in those moments, he was a civilian watching someone destroys in seconds...he saw Y/N crumble in front of him, and he did nothing, he just...watch...images of when he was younger came to him, how pathetic he was, how weak he was and how insignificant and helpless he was...but more importantly he saw himself be unable to help Y/N, he had fail as a hero, and he had fail as a friend, recalls all what he wished to ask Y/N before the war "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me" he recalls the word he wished to speak he knew he wanted to ask him out on a date for a while but dating and romance was a delicate subject for Y/N, but Kirishima thought that now that they were closer maybe they could try and be something else, or it could just be a date for friends if he didn't want to be a romantic partner but deep down Kirishima felt a connection with Y/N he fell for him as Y/N's protective walls fell in front of him he felt Y/N with time grew more comfortably with Kirishima, he saw Y/N for who he truly was, a shy and sensitive kid, someone who had to become a parent for his brothers and as someone who grew up much faster than everyone else, a person who was treated poorly by the world...but now Kirishima was part of the people who left him behind...the image of his crying face looking back at him was the only thing he could remember, he had never seen him cry but that image of him suffering physically and emotionally hurt his soul -I'm sorry- he whispered as he cried in pain and in guilt he really wanted to be a good friend for Y/N, but he failed him in the worst way possible, he knew what Y/N did was wrong but he even if he did so he did not listen to him, he just saw something and went with it, he didn't hear his side of the story, he just saw a killer and a corpse.

Mina shouted as the snaked continued to change them -Kirishima!- She shouted as the team fought the snake that Y/N created, but as soon as the snake attacked Mina, it disappears flying into the air and dispersing into the sky, Mina sighed in relief and so did the others as they were exhausted mentally and physically, Mina walked towards Kirishima as she patted his back and kneel to his side -Are you OK Kirishima? - She said worriedly as Kirishima cried in silence as his hands were tightly holding a piece of Y/N's clothes -It's my fault... I should have told him something.. I'm going to look for him- Kirishima said as he stood up, still tearing up as he walked, he felt Mina's hand grabs his arm -Kirishima you can't follow him he is too dangerous- She said -But maybe I can- -You can what Kirishima? He is a killer who knows if he will kill us too- Mina said as Kirishima just stopped -She is right Kirishima, Y/N is unstable. We don't know what he will do to us if we find him...he sees us as a threat to him- Momo said as she stood firm -We should head back with the others. We need a plan- -No- Kirishima said as he began to run towards Y/N direction -This is all my fault I!- Kirishima shouted as he ran through the dead forest Looking for Y/N screaming and shouting for his name, as he followed a small trail of blood left behind by him, as he ran his eyes darted everywhere looking for a trace looking for something just a single clue that might lead him to Y/N but as he walked to the edge of the forest he found a giant mark left on a tree made with blood as the surrounding area was cover in it too, he looked around, but there was no trace of Y/N he looked and ran and shouted but no one could hear him, he fell to his knees as he hit the ground with his fist screaming and boiling with rage and sadness as his red eyes turn black and dark as he thought of Y/N -I'm so sorry, I'm truly really sorry- he cried as he felt as if his dear friend had died...

-Fuck- Y/N cried as he held his wounds and stood up from the tree, "What is it? Scared you will join me" a voice spoke as Y/N looked around in terror, his body shaking "What you thought you've seen the last of me?" there was silence no one was around but Y/N felt and heard his presence "After you killed me I've become your angel, your o so dear guardian angel" he spoked as Y/N hold onto his head hitting it -Your in my head shut up, shut up!- He screamed as he raised his hand recalling the toxins left behind, as he did, he looked forwards, with a deadly serious stare as his eyes continue to tear down like a broken dam whose drives couldn't stop flowing "Come on don't cry little snake" His head spoke as "We should look for some help" another voice spoke "Head forward and don't stop, we are close to the next cit" the voice spoke, Y/N did not speak as his voices discuss in his head he had no need to speak for he was in purgatorio in a limbo where his mind was broken into pieces his sanity, his reason was gone, and the only thing left where shards of glasses scatter through his mind, resembling pieces of himself he once pretended to be, as he walked stumbling with every step he soon makes it into the outs curds of a city who seemed to be in looked down -The nearby cities must have been evacuated, but there are stills some people here mostly paramedics and other civilians- Y/N spoked as he walked and hide in the shadows of the rainy and gray day as he walked he finally found a hospital "there look a hospital" "You Y/N should take on one nurse or doctor make them heal you" "Remember everyone is against us, we need to survive, we will guide you, we are the only then you have left" the voices spoked as his eyes darted everywhere as he saw a doctor he quickly and as fast as he could run towards him grabbing him by the neck and pulling him to the shadows into an alleyway -You are going to help me.... You are going to heal me...or I kill everyone in the hospital- Y/N spoke to the doctors as he looked at him with terror in his eyes, the same terror Y/N saw in Kirishima's eyes -Please don't hurt me- he cried as he tried to push Y/N off, he let go of his thought as a wall of poison looked him in with Y/N "Kill everyone" "No tell him to pretend he just found you, that you are a hero in need and that they need to examine you" "that won't work! He needs to make sure he helps him" -Fine- Y/N spoke to himself -You doctor...Satō... I'm going to inject you with this- Y/N said as one of his fingers poked his asking, making him bleed as the toxins flowed in his hands and body. -If you scream, make a scene, or do anything that will get me in trouble, I will make your organs collapse on themselves one by one- Y/N said as a stern looked on his face, making the doctor only nod -Now...take me to the hospital- Y/N said as he put his right arm around the doctor's neck -Please just don't hurt me he said as they walked towards the hospital- -There will be no need for innocent blood if you behave yourself- Y/N spoked as the doctor shouted -Please nurse I need your help a civilian is injured- The doctor spoke as the nurses and personal ran towards the doctor and Y/N -Good job doctor....maybe you will live to see another day- Y/N whispered "Good job" "not bad" the voices spoke as the nurses and doctor put Y/N in a medical bed -Just give me fluids and repair my arm- Y/N said as the doctors examined him, one of the nurses put some gloves on and touches Y/N skin but quickly stopped as her hand was stop by Y/N who had a menacing look on his face -Careful where you touch- he spoke as the nurses and doctors tried to heal his burn wounds -Jesus Christ kid what happen to you!? You have degree burns in some parts and some second-degree burns- The doctor said -Got in a bad accident, that's all...didn't you hear about the city next to this one? The villains destroyed it... I managed to escape- Y/N spoke as one of the nurses looked at him -Hey I've seen you were with the number two hero in a magazine or in an interview- he spoke as -Y...yeah I'm pandemic I work with the hero safety commission- Y/N spoked nervously smiling fakely at them "What are you doing?" "They already know who we are why hide it, maybe like that we get more help" Y/N smiled at them as they began to treat him better, as patch him up rather quickly -Thank you- I smiled at them as they left me on the bed "Escape now you are already healed up" "yeah make a run for it" Y/N smirk as he quickly disappears as suddenly an influx of patients began to arrive, as he made his way out he recalled the poison placed on the doctor's body -Good, deals a deal- Y/N whisper as the night and darkness began to consume the world, "Good" the voices spoke he felt as if his brain was split into pieces he felt like a host in someone's else's bodies -This is just the brains' response to trauma- Y/N verified as he grabbed his head as the voices speak "or maybe it's just your sanity finally getting destroyed" "or maybe its punishment after killing all those people" the voices discussed against each other. As night came, Y/N remained hidden in an abandoned building. He looked up at the dark sky crying in pain as the voices tortured him, screaming at him, hitting him, punching him, and grabbing onto his brain as all the horrible stuff in his life played in reset in his mind.

Medusa's Malice (Eijirou Kirishima X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now