20. Two souls united for one moment

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I rewrote the entire chapter so that is why is taking so long, I don't know how I will feel about this chapter also warning this chapter will be shitty but I try to develop the relationship between Y/N and Kiri, probably will edit later and just correct some stuff 


I had arrived home it was pretty late, my phone rang I saw it was Kirishima texting me 

Rock Man 

-Wanna hang out tonight???

Um sure, where?- 

Just meet me outside the school, then we will think of what to do.

Are you sure, it's quite late aren't you gonna get into trouble?

I'll be fine so just come

I looked at my phone "Why should I care about him and what happens to him...It's not my problem" I told to myself,  I told Hanashi I would leave and to lock all the doors and windows and to call me if anything happened, I reach the school and saw Kirishima standing there -Hey!- He shouted as he waved he was wearing a sweater and a pair of regular jeans nothing special I stopped and looked at him -So where do you wanna head out?- -Um....not sure but let's just hang out - he said as he smiled showing his white shark teeth -So you called me just to hang out without any idea where to go?-  I said a little bit bother by it I think he notice but didn't seem to care -Yeah- He hopped into the back of my motorcycle -OK let's go- He said as he patted my back -Have you ever ridden in a motorcycle before?-  I said as I handed him the other helmet -Nope, also let's go wherever you want- He said I saw him put on the helmet and quickly wrap his hand around my abdomen I stiffen as I felt his big hands wrap around me I could fell him also put his chest and head on my back I stiffen I din0t like the feeling of his big arms wrap around me of his big chest I had never been touch like that and he did it with such care and carefulness not to hurt me ... but he quickly loosens up unwrapping his arms from my waist and abdomen -Sorry I forgot you didn't like getting a touch much- he said a little bit nervous -...It's okay just don't fall..- I said as I turn the motor on and rapidly ride onto wherever I wanted.


both of them arrived at a hill far off the city but close enough to see, Y/N looked tired and mentally exhausted -Y/N are... are you ok?- Y/N just looked at the distance looking at the lights, Y/N wanted to touch him poke him maybe to see if everything was alright but was quickly stopped by Y/NS voice that sounded exhausted and dry -I don't think I'm a good person...I never was really- He said looking away never at Kirishima, while Kirishima only looked at him with worried eyes that could see something more than Y/N couldn't see himself -I have hurt people for my one benefit, I always felt that the world owed me something for making me this was- Y/N said changing his gaze to his hand that open and released poison that quickly fell to the grown like rain Kirishima wanted to speak but Y/N continue -I always knew I was never meant to be here, that I am indeed a cure, malice that lurks in the deeps of the shadows waiting for something... one to walk close by...- Y/N threw himself back to the grass looking at the stars -Why do you say that? You know it's not true- Kirishima said worried as he got closer to him enough that Y/N felt the warmth of his body, feeling the strong colone that drench Kirishima's body and clothes -I have seen you help others- -...- -I know we haven't known each other for that long but I really think you are a good person that has been treated poorly by people- Kirishima said with his usual positive self with that smile that could bring life to those who have fallen, to bring peace to those who are hurt, Y/N always felt someway about his smile, he didn't know if it was fear, hatred or maybe love for him all those emotions were too dangerous he once felted all of them at once an overwhelming amount of feelings that his whole body almost melt like being incinerated by the flames of hell; Kirishima looked at Y/N -...tell me what did people use to say about you-  Y/N looked at Kirishima a bit surprised he didn't want to open old wounds but those where not wounds those were parts of Y/N that had bean tor apart for years.

-they called me a monster, a curse, a killer- he giggled at the last one he knew what he was, -Good, I can finally hear the lies they use to tell you because to me you are none of that- Kirishima said as he leaned himself a bit closer to Y/N to looked in the eyes -Don't look away, your eyes always interested me- he said as he notices how close he was to Y/N quickly moving away slightly blushing -Tell me what scares you maybe I can help- Kirishima said still looking at Y/N now from a certain distance -...That Hanashi and....- He stopped to look at Kirishima -That you the only person that has seemed me something else then a monster finally realized what I truly am... a monster as they all told me once- Y/N said with some fear in his voice, making it shake as he listens to what he said out loud -You will never be a monster to me because to me you are the coolest more manliest person there is, someone who is truly strong- Y/N giggled but not a happy one but a mocking one -You wouldn't say that if you had this power- Y/N said Kirishima just looked at him and he looked at Y/N back just there for a minute in the silence of the night -Get up- He said -Why?- Y/N ask as he stood up alongside Kirishima -I know you like music and dancing so let's get into it- he said as started to move a little and do a little dance as he played some random song on his phone he danced toward Y/N that looked at him and stated to giggle -You are not a bad dancer- Y/N said as he dances| along and moves towards him just dancing a little, Kirishima began to blush a little as he Y/N hips move, his hair that flowed in the air hitting his shoulders and revealing his neck that showed his dazzling skin, he moved up to see those eyes he was so mesmerized about those snakes eyes that hypnotize him since the moment they meet; Kirishima grasp his last bravery within himself and walked closer to Y/N gripping hips and bringing him closer making him gasp a little since it was unprecedented -Getting a bit touchy are we?- Y/N said in a flirty but joke full way making Kirishima not sure what it was, Y/N put his hands on his chest -So wanna dance my prince?- He said with the same tone as before Kirishima got a bit closer closing the distance they had any kind of dancing with Y/N who was hiding the fear inside of him -Ok I think that is enough- Y/N said as Kirishima notice his hands shaking a little pushing Kirishima away softly -I...I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable- -It's okay, It's just I don't really like dancing with others- Y/N said he knew it was a lie because deep down his heart stopped when he felt Kirishima's strong arms wrap around his waist -Why are you so scared of touching me or getting to close to me?- Kirishima said a bit angrily -I'm sorry but do I owe you something? because I don't remember telling you, you could touch me that way- Y/N said angrily at Kirishima for making him feel weak and vulnerable, Kirishima walk back -Sorry I didn't- He got caught off by the anger and sudden rage  -I need to go it was nice- Y/N said as he turns around and began to walk off- Not out of anger but out of fear -Wait no sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to make you angry I just wanted to spend time with you because I never see you- Kirishima said with wide open eyes and as he grabs Y/N wrist which he quickly let go off -....- -...- There was silence and they sat again -Sorry if I'm too sensitive, it's just...I don't know- Y/N said Kirishima got closer -Hey it's ok, you are not sensitive, it was just a misunderstanding- He said trying to comfort Y/N, there was silence once again.

-You know I was always so scared of my quirk to hurt others because of my sharp skin so I may understand you maybe not fully but I want to- Kirishima said as he looked at Y/N -Really but why are you scared- -Because I hurt myself when I first got my quirk this is why this tiny scar- Y/N got closer to his face looking at his scare -I never notice it before or knew the story behind it, it makes you look good- Y/N said as he tilted his head -Yeah- Kirishima said blushing -Can I try something with you?- -Um sure- Kirishima respond Y/N took his gloves off and extended his hands towards Kirishima -Use your quirk I want to touch your hand- Kirishima was kind of surprised -But I don't want to hurt you- -You will never hurt me and I will never try to hurt you- Y/N said as he saw Kirishima put his hand against his with his quirk, Y/N felt his hard and sharp asking to touch him -Your hand is much bigger then mine even if I'm taller- he said he intertwines his fingers locking them into Kirishima's hand cutting himself slightly -Hey you hurt yourself you should- He got cut off -Don't it's ok it didn't hurt me, don't turn your quirk off- Y/N said as he looked at Kirishima's hand as drops of black blood fell into the ground -Ok I think I'm hurting you- He manages to release his hand -Are you ok - Kirishima tries to grab Y/Ns hand but he moved it before he could -I'm fine- I think we should go.

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