Imagine... How happy Sam is to find out you have feelings for him and not Dean.

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A/N: Here you guys go! As promised I present a new story! This goes out to all my fellow Sam girls! I also want to know if you guys would want to have me add the gender of the reader. If so would you guys want more male readers and GN readers? Let me know in the comments! Requests are always open! There's no limit to requesting! Spread Love guys! 



You were convinced Sam was blind. Or had some sort of vision problem. You had thrown this man every hint in the fucking book and he still didn't get it. You were pretty sure if you spelled it out for him he still wouldn't get it. You had met the Winchesters through an interesting turn of events. They needed help with a particularly tricky group of shapeshifters.

You were mostly doing research and weapons check. When Dean left for a few hours to question the victims, you got to know Sam. You shared a lot of the same interests. You both had just enough differences to teach each other new things. You got to show him your more modern music choices while he taught you the classics. You and Sam had incredible chemistry. You thought you and Sam would be a cute couple. So did Dean. In fact you confide in him more often than not about your school girl crush with Sam. In fact, you weren't watching old western movies with Dean and eating your ass off, you were snuggled up under Sam laughing and eating your ass off. Though the underlying threat of him tearing your lungs out if you were to hurt Sam is constantly looming over your head. Dean always acts like he's annoyed but honestly he's happy that you feel safe about this stuff with him.

You and Dean over a few months became best friends. Brother and sister even. He always jokes about telling Sam everything unless you make some homemade pie. You comply of course, not knowing Sam felt the same way about you. Dean will be the one who pushes you towards Sam. Things have really been awkward per se with you Sam, you try to distance yourself from him, hoping that your feelings will blow over. Of course, that wasn't the case.


Sam was convinced that you were blind. It seemed that every single hint he had thrown at you was dodged. Every compliment towards you was casually casted aside. Sam, as much as he'd hate to admit it, was jealous of Dean. He always got the girl with virtually no effort. Sam felt that maybe, if given the chance, he could make you very happy.

He couldn't get over you no matter how much he tried. You were the kindest person, but still a badass. You were soft spoken but passionate. You were just... you. Nothing fake or artificial, just all you. Sam wanted you so badly but also felt like you were too good for him. A woman like you must think he's some sorry sap. A person as pure as you would be corrupted with someone like him.

Yet a man can dream can't he?


Dean is convinced that the both of you are blind, deaf, and everything in between. I mean, How could you guys NOT see the chemistry jumping off you both? Honestly this whole 'slow burn' bullshit is getting on his nerves.

If Dean could force you two to kiss, he would. Maybe he should get both of you drunk off your ass and make you spill your guts. Or maybe he should just tell the both of you straight up to stop being little bitches. Yeah.



The next morning at breakfast Dean saw you and Sam and the table talking about an upcoming case and what kind of research needs to be done that day. Dean knew this was it.

"Good morning guys." Dean's voice altering you and Sam to his presence.

You both greet him with 'Hi' and 'Hey'. Dean pours his coffee and clears his throat.

"Both of you both have the biggest crush on each other. It makes me sick, just tell each other already." While Sam chokes on his coffee you give Dean the most evil look as he smirks and walks out the kitchen.

"I can't believe that fucker just-" You in your seat as Sam interruptus you.

"Was he telling the truth (y/n)?" Sam asked, slightly wide-eyed and smiling bright.

As much as you wanted to rip Dean to shreds, you also wanted to thank him.

"Yes Sam, it is."

Let's see where this road takes us.


It's short but it's the best I could do. Hope it doesn't suck and that you guys like this! I'll be trying to write more in the future!

Spread Love! 


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