Sam Winchester Headcanons

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A/N: Hey Hey Hey! I'm back in the saddle again with another Sam headcanon. I'm so in love with this man please send help.

Warning, this is a little smutty, nothing over the top but some suggestive and smutty descriptions are mentioned.

The reader is tall, plus-sized, and has short hair, as requested by the absolutely stunning @as-lost-as-sams-shoe on tumblr! Enjoy the fic darlings! Requests are always open!

Spread Love,



You being tall never deterred Sam from his pursuit of you. Nor being a bit chunky either. All he saw was your shining personality and the bright sparkle in your eyes. You couldn't say you were confident about your looks your whole life, but you've never really been too concerned about your weight. You just ate whatever the fuck you wanted, yet you always kept your health in mind. Being thick didn't mean you were unhealthy.While Sam encourages you to look after your health, he realizes you're an adult and can make your own choices. He doesn't try to force his eating habits on you.While you wouldn't dream of waking up as early as Sam to work out, you and Sam set up a time in the day when you both walk a path behind the bunker into the woods. Or even just train and work on both of your combat skills.With you being so tall, you can reach the top shelves all on your own, yet Sam still calls you shorty because even being 6ft, you're still shorter by a few inches. Also, he loves that even though you're tall, you're still smaller than him. Yes even with your thicker form, you could never be as big as Sam, and he revels in that fact. Sam likes PDA in moderation. Hand holding, him constantly squeezing your thighs, holding you by your waist, and when you lean into him, he lays his head on yours. If either of you fell asleep on the other, you wouldn't wake up to crooks in your necks. Both of your heights mean you two could lay on the other's shoulders/heads for hours without issue. When at the bunker, in Sam's room, he is all over you. He regularly smothers you in kisses. Squeezing every bit of skin he can reach. With his two favorite places being your stomach and boobs. Kissing, rubbing, licking, biting every part of your body. Nights have been filled with both of you worshiping the other's body. The room was filled with so much sexual energy and intimacy that you could drown in it. Both of you drunk off each other. Not just touching, but **feeling** each other. You've drowned in Sam's eyes so many times as he ran his hands all over your plush body. Sam swears you've both handed over your souls to the other.Cuddling wouldn't be as troublesome as one may think. While both of you have long limbs, it's pretty easy to contort yourself for each other's comfort. And your plushy arms make for great pillows. So does your stomach. And your boobs. And ass... you know what, you're just very comfy. Being able to walk at the same pace <3Sam never looks at you weirdly or says snark remarks when you order a lot of food. Honestly, he just hands you his credit card when you're finished. Boy got stacks so you stocking up on your snack cubby is just another Wednesday. (Fuck Tuesday)Is pleasantly surprised when you show him you can keep up with his eating. Sometimes you and he even have small bets on who can finish their food first. You always lose :( Also having drinking games since both of you can hold your liquor. Sam may eat faster than you, but you can drink him under the table. But only by that much. POV: you're in your guys' shared room chillin' out and Sam bursts through the door. He looks at you, takes off his shirt, and climbs on the bed, only to slide in between your thighs and smother himself. "Bad day?" You question, barely tearing your eyes away from the book in your hand. "Mmmhmm." Sam mumbles and your hand finds its way to his hair. POV: one day you're feeling a bit insecure. Sam tries to bring you out of your mood by treating you both to dinner at your favorite restaurant in town. Sam lets you order first and you order a salad. Sam looks at you like you just killed 10 puppies. Sam waves off your protests and tells the waiter to bring your favorite dish. And yes, dessert is included. All while Sam paints a deep blush across your cheeks, whispering compliment after compliment.When out in public any judgmental looks or snide remarks from strangers will be met with Sam's signature Bitch FaceTM and a loud and curt, "Is there a problem here?".POV: You and Sam are on a picnic, after you both finish eating, you start reading out loud knowing it relaxes Sam. Sam makes himself comfortable by laying his head down on your ass. When you asked him what he was doing, he said your ass is the softest pillow he's ever had. Both your and Sam's workouts serve different purposes. While Sam focuses on muscle and keeping himself agile, yours is purely about building and keeping muscle. You enjoyed being thick so you didn't want to lose weight. You just wanted to keep your muscle. On a hunt, or in a simple fight, you're a force to be reckoned with. While training with you, Sam was surprised to see how many hits you could take before you went down. He has to give your flowers to you, you gave him a run for his buck. You keep him on his toes which is always a good thing in the hunting life.Sam LOVES taking you shopping. Always goofing around with you, trying on crazy outfits. Sometimes buying those crazy outfits! Whatever type of style and clothing choice you have, Sam makes sure to enable it in every way he can. Loves when you put on a little show for him. Encourages you to buy whatever makes you comfortable, yet also tells you to buy skimpy/slutty clothes. That you can only wear around him of course.Buys you a ludicrous amount of lingerie. Seriously, eventually, you'd have more lingerie than actual clothes. Sam doesn't have neck or back pains/sores from bending down to kiss you. You reach his lips if you stand on your tip toes. When you and Sam are both in the bathroom getting ready for the day, Sam finishes before you, mainly because you're trying to figure out what style you can put your hair into that day. With your short hair, there aren't many styles you can wear. But Sam always stays behind to help with some suggestions.Most days you just decide on a simple middle or side part and comb your hair to make it look decent. Sam is totally supportive if you wear weaves, wigs, ponytails, and other hair extensions. He loves helping you with any hair routines you have. He'll memorize them and even remind you if your routine had slipped your mind that day. If you come back from a hunt gone wrong, he'll insist on running you a hot bath and wash your body for you. While you dry yourself off in the bathroom, Sam will be in your bedroom lighting a few candles.Then Sam comes back into the bathroom to help you do your haircare routine. He'll share in your excitement when you share that your hair grew a few inches! Sam knowing how precious your hair is to you, will probably try and research hair growth methods that reduce hair breakage. He'll let you decide if you want to change your routine. Sam loves your legs and thighs as mentioned before. But he loves them even more on his shoulders as he thrusts his cock into your plushy, pink pussy. He'll look you in your eyes as he caresses, kisses, and bites your legs and thighs. He can feel himself lose control when your walls start to squeeze and flutter around him. Sam will eat you out nice and slow, making you relax and lose yourself in him. Sam tends to grab and squeeze your thighs roughly to keep him from creaming his damn pants. On the rare occasions, you join Sam on his early morning jogs, he never ridicules you for running out of breath. He'll push you to keep going, but only if you can tolerate it. If not, Sam has no problem making his jog a nice-paced walk for you. And when you feel you're ready again, he'll start jogging with you again. Emphasizes the importance of stretching before any workout. He doesn't want you pulling any muscles or ending up sore. Celebrates with you when you run longer distances or challenge yourself more!Using each other as personal heaters <3Sam is more lenient with himself about eating more junk food sometimes. Sam has to double his workouts because of your cooking. He complains about this but honestly loves when you cook. Honestly, Sam is just an awesome and fun boyfriend. Everyone agrees ya'll are the best couple. 


I hope you all enjoyed these headcanons! And thank you again to the lovely for requesting this! This was super fun to write! Definitely request again if you'd like! And requests are always open for my blog!

Spread Love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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