Day 10 of Christmas: Bake Cookies for Friends

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As much as you loved being in the company of the Winchester boys, you missed seeing your other friends. You video-chatted with Donna and Jody along with Charlie and Harry. Sadly Harry couldn't make it to you as he was on a mission. But Charlie and the other two women could. You told them you missed them so much and you wanted to surprise the boys with some friends of yours. You invited your best friends too. The more the merrier, and you missed them. Plus Dean always wondered who these people you kept in contact with so much. He was intrigued to meet them so much when you mentioned that they weren't hunters. Very rarely does a hunter keep in contact with their 'old' life.

Most leave that all behind in favor of "The Family Business". But you just had too many ties. Too many people to make a fuss if you just jumped off the face of the Earth. Too many people were willing to find you at any cost. So you just keep in contact with everyone you could while hunting. Most aren't fortunate to lead this double life of yours. Being one of the few hunters who can keep their friends and family in the loop, you were a bit famous in the hunting community. Only getting more popular when you started hunting with Sam and Dean.

You made sure to coordinate with everyone and told them to drive out to the bunker by today. They all should be pulling up by tonight at the latest. Sam and Dean knew you had a surprise for them, they just didn't know. All you told them was that today you were baking a lot of cookies for something special. They were begging to know what this was all about you told them you'd be making about a pound of sugar cookies. They both sputtered like two fishes out of water when Dean then exclaimed "As much as we love your cooking Y/n, we can't eat that many cookies!" You then explained that you wouldn't be eating them all by yourselves. Questions kept being thrown at you while you all made the dough and you kept a straight face mostly. You were so excited but had to keep it all inside while you all made the cookies.

By the time the cookies were in the oven and you set the timer on your phone, Donna Said she'd carpooled with Jody and they should be there in about three more hours. Perfect. You may have gone overboard with the cookies. You made about five batches of cookies but at the same time, these hunters have appetites out of this world. So in the end, you figured it'd be just enough for all of you. Charlie was about 30 minutes away, she just finished up a case nearby and went to her hotel room to freshen up. She'd be the first one here. You told everyone to not worry about dinner since you'd be ordering pizza and had plenty of booze to go around unless they wanted to bring something for everyone. Which For Jody would be the case, she said she'd bring some surprise for everyone. You were excited when your friends said they were about 3 hours away. They'd be showing up with Jody and Donna. You were getting everything in order when your timer went off for the last batch of cookies. Grateful you used your phone timer instead of the one way in the kitchen and put on your oven mittens took out the cookies and placed them on the cooling rack. You started cleaning up the kitchen a bit when Dean came into the kitchen and practically beg to know what was going on. You took pity on him. You could never say no to Dean.

You told him everything and he was ecstatic and immeadiently went to tell Sam. They were hyper already and they didn't even eat any of the cookies. You hadn't seen them smile so big in so long. For a moment you felt a bit of sorrow, not knowing the next time they would smile hurt. They were always getting hurt somehow. They deserved nothing but happiness for all they do. When you've told them this is the past, they always say you do just as much. They were good to you. And it seems you were one of the only ones who gave them that in return.

With everything just about done in the kitchen, you went off to your room and as you walked by Dean's room you could hear him muttering about something. You asked him what he was doing and he promptly jumped up from his desk chair and said it was a secret. You chuckled as you kept walking. There seemed to be a lot of secrets around here lately, and for once, they were nothing bad. You kept working on your current project when you got two texts from both Jody and Charlie, saying they'd be there in five minutes. You practically skipped out of your room and knocked on the boy's door you told them the news and they followed you to the stairs and finally the front door.

When you saw all three girls pull up next to each other you couldn't hold your excitement anymore and you attacked the girls with hugs which they replicated. You all went inside and talked about recent hunts and family festivites. You'd asked Jody where Alex and Clarie were and she explained that they weren't really feeling the holiday spirit and were working/hunting. Sad, but hey, what could you do? Donna talked about her recent hookup with some guy named Jack, and Jody showed her a little surprise. It was green bean casserole and potato salad. Alright, so pizza, casserole, and potato salad. Weird dinner sure but you had worse. Easy conversation flew by and you a text from with you all as you got texts from your best friends saying they were five minutes out. You left the ladies with Sam and Dean in the library to go greet your friends.

When they pulled up, they quickly turned off the car and jumped out to hug you and bombard you with questions. You answered everything while bringing them into the bunker. Charlie, Donna, Jody, Sam, and Dean all quieted down when you entered the bunker with some unfamiliar faces. You introduced your two friends and both boys accepted them graciously. If you trusted them, they did too. The ladies greeted them with apprehensive but warm smiles. And at first, it was awkward and the questions were a bit uncomfortable, but soon you all found a rhythm. Sharing stories, tears and belly laughs, you stuffed pizza in your mouth with glee. You guys were having so much fun that you almost forgot about your cookies. You quickly ran into the kitchen and put all the cookies in a bowl and told everyone to follow you as you made your way to your room. Watching everything from chick flicks to straight action films. You were all stuffed, drunk, and happy.

With no one going to sleep, it was the first all-nighter in a while that you actually enjoyed. 

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