FLUFF ALPHABET! Dean Winchester

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A/N: This is from @fandomclutterover on Tumblr. This list is NOT mine. Big thanks to her for letting me use her list!  Let me know what you guys think about this! I'll try to get Sam's part out asap! 



A ctivites- What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time?

When Dean has the opportunity to spend time with you, he takes it for granted. He soaks up ALL the attention you have to give. Mostly he loves cuddling with you. It doesn't matter how, he just loves being close to you. He'd also take advantage of the time you two have together to train with you. Either hand-to-hand or maybe the gun range. He'd also show you how to clean your knives and guns. With you in his lap of course.

B eauty- What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?

Dean admires pretty much everything about you. But he mostly admires your body. It may sound a little douchebag-like but seriously, he does! No matter your size or shape. Scars and all. He just can't help but be put in a trance when he sees you walk. Of course, if you catch him he'll deny it all the way. He'd probably even make a small harmless jab at you, but you know better.

C omfort- How would they help if their s/o is feeling down/have a panic attack etc.?

Dean is pretty good at lying. This means that when you tell him that you have panic attacks, he'll probably act nonchalant about it. But as soon as your back is turned he will do research on anxiety disorders. He had never done so much research before. When you did have a panic attack sometime later, he remembered the breathing exercises and guided you through them. He made you some chai tea just the way you'd like it. Then he carried you to you and his bedroom and layed the large weighted blanket onto you. He brought some other snacks from the kitchen and played a few Disney movies until you fell asleep with dean curled up behind you.

D reams- How do they picture their future with their s/o?

He wants to get married. He knows it's a huge risk to your safety but he's selfish when it comes to you. You're perfect to him in every way he could ever imagine. He's damn lucky to have you and he'll be dammed if someone else gets to have you. He already knows the ring he wants to give you too. Now as for children, it's a no. He doesn't need to risk anyone else's life, less known a child. That, and he's too afraid to end up like his father. He is willing to compromise for a dog or two. But they will NOT be riding in Baby dammit!

E qual- Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?

Dean is actually quite passive. He already goes through so much on a regular basis, so he tries to stay as passive as possible if he can help it. He likes when you take control anyways.

F ight- Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?

Well, Dean hates fighting with you. He always thinks that maybe this fight will be the one that'll make you leave him. But he's also stubborn as hell. If he thinks he's the one who is right then he won't apologize. However, if you can hold out longer than him he'll start overthinking and finally talk to you. You both can set aside differences and forgive each other.

G ratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?

Dean is eternally grateful that someone like you would even give him the time of day. Let alone your entire lives (he hopes). He pays attention and he sees all the little things you do for him and he is so grateful have someone so thoughtful.

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