Preference 14

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Who said 'I love you' first?


Dean: Funny thing is you both did at the same time. You were helping Dean tune up Baby a little and you turned to each other and you both said 'i love you'. You both laughed, drank your beers and got back to work, giving each other love filled glances for the rest of the day.

Sam: You said it first. You took things into your own hands one day when things in your relationship had been getting rough due to the late nights researching and never have time for each other anymore. You wanted to reassure Sam that even when things got tough, you'd always be by his side. Every time.

Cas: He said it first. You had gotten hurt on a hunt with your brothers, Sam and Dean, and they called for help. He healed you and when you woke up, he told you how much you really meant to him. It was a sweet moment, and one you'll never forget.

Benny: Once you finally got back topside with Benny and settled down in a small town and got jobs at a diner in town, you and Benny finally got to be happy for once. One night when you came home from work and had a nice dinner, you were both laying down together on the couch and he just whispered it in your ear.

Charlie: She told you first. You were a part of one of her LARPs and about two months in, she confessed her feelings to you during the LARP. 

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