Survival Exam

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~There was only one certification to pass Survival class. Each pair like before would venture out and survive in the wilds for 72 hours without any supplies. The campsite they were to stay at would only have a tent and a campfire. No food no water. They would leave Monday morning and return no later than lunch time on Thursday.
Amara and Braden ran out of their site within 9 hours. Far from the school grounds their campsite was right next to a small pond. Low hanging trees danced in the slight breeze of the afternoon sun. Spring was the best time to be out within the wilds.
Amara busied herself collecting water from the pond. Both herself and Braden in their full forms. She filled all their jars then turned to find Braden standing behind her.

"I have returned."

"You scared me."

She stood and smiled at him.

"Did you find anything?"

"Three birds."

He held up his kills to her.

"We will eat good tonight."

"Good, thank you big guy. Exceptional work."

She praised. Watching him smile and look away, Amara finished putting the water away.

"I have full water now so we can head back."


Amara went into the tent to store their water and set up sleeping bags. Just as she finished rolling the two bags out Braden joined her.

"Fire lit?"

"Yes, I just have to finish getting the meat ready."

He answer gazing at her. He looked down at the bags then back to her eyes. What was he up to.

"You know, you can zip those bags together."

Amara glanced down to the sleeping bags and smiled.

"Yes I know."

He came close to her and spoke softly.

"We could lay together out here. Keep each other warm at night."

"Is that the only reason?"

She asked smiling at him. Braden shrugged his shoulders staring at her.

"Does it matter?"

"No I guess not. Alright big guy."

Amara moved from in front of him and started unzipping the bags.

"We can lay together. You do make a good point. Go finish those birds so we can eat within the next two hours."



+Braden started cooking the now stripped bird meat just as the sun started to dip behind the trees. Night would fall soon. Passing the first two pre-exams, Basic and PT, he was excited to be one his final one. Ready to start the real exams and finish. Amara soon joined him and leaned against his arm, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Smells good. How you feeling?"

"I am fine. Ready to spend my time out here. I want to move on to the finals."

He said looking down at her muzzle. She nodded and he watched her eyes close.

"Me too. We are so close. I'm hoping to be placed somewhere warm. I am tired of snow. How many awards you think you will get at the end?"

"A few I am sure."

Braden turned the meat over on the fire gazing down into the flames.

"I came here to do my best and I feel like I have."

"I would agree."

She sat up and smiled at him.

"I'm very proud of you big guy. You've done so well."

"Thank you. You have as well."

"I already know that."

Amara waved a paw at him.

"I wanna make sure you know how great you're doing."

Braden looked over at her and she nudged his arm. She always made him feel like he mattered. That he was doing well. It felt nice.

"I do."

"Good. Food ready?"

Braden turned back to the fire checking the meat.

"Soon. I'll grab some water."

"I'll get it. You take the food off the fire."

Amara said standing up.



~After they ate and did their rounds to check the land for danger, Amara joined Braden inside their tent. She watched him zip the door closed then light their lantern, casting their shadows against the walls of the tent. Braden sat and started fixing up his pillow.

"Ready for bed big guy?"

"Yes. What will we do tomorrow?"

"We can go hunting in the morning to gather food for the day."

Amara ordered watching his white fur glimmer in the dull light.

"After we ready the food for cooking we can go explore a bit. See what we can find. I'd like to see what is beyond that pond. That stream that flows North."


"Is there anything you'd like to do while we are out here?"

Amara asked.

"I know you are from the wilds so this must be any other Monday for you."

Braden smiled and looked over at her.

"Minus the tent, yes. See if there are any good rocks at the bottom of that pond. Best time to free dive is in the spring. The ice moves the rocks around as it melts."

"That be fun. I think we will be okay out here. I trust you and know that you are an expert at this."

Amara yawned and moved closer to him.

"I lead."

"I follow."

Braden answered gazing at her. Amara nodded and knelt up on her knees in front of him.

"We are so close to the end. I'm anxious."

He moved into her pushing them both down into the larger sleeping bag. She hugged him tightly as he laid atop her, their full forms easier to get close in. Her muzzled buried in his fur, she held him tight.

"What if something happens and..."

"Nothing will happen."

He promised.

"We both have trained for this for a long time. We will excel."

Amara nodded her head then moved to look at him.

"I trust you."

"Let's go to sleep."

Braden moved off her allowing her to crawl into their sleeping bag. He turned out their lantern and joined her. She instantly pulled his furry arm around her moving in against his chest.

"Ready to go hunting in the morning?"

"As long as it is not as early as PT, yes."

Braden rubbed her back from the base of her tail to her shoulders. She smiled and laid her head out.

"I like when you rub my back. It's so calming."

"To take note from you. My pair must be in perfect condition."

He gazed down at her, watching her smile happily.

"You've learned from the best. Good night big guy."

"Sleep well Amara."


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