Hunting Exam

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~Time flew by now. Exam after exam. Test after test days blurred together. Hunting and Protection was all that was left for both Amara and Braden. The Hunting final was a bear hunt. Bears weren't known to go down easy but with a well-trained pair it wasn't impossible.
It was Sunday, the night before their bear hunt and Amara was alone heading to her Head Master's chambers. She arrived to his door and found it open.

"Head Master?"

"Come in Snow."

He appeared from one of his many bookshelves and smiled at her. Amara closed the door behind her and came into his area.

"Evening sir."

"To what do I owe the visit Snow?"

Kodiak chuckled going to her side.

"You must be busy these days."

"I am but I'm not here for school reasons."

Kodiak's smile dimmed a bit as he studied her.

"Something personal?"

"Sort of sir."

She sat in one of his chairs and met his eyes.

"You are the Head Elder so you must know Fury's grandparents?"

Kodiak gave a heavy sigh and held up a paw.

"One moment Snow."

He went to his door, locked it, then settled across from her in another chair.

"Speak freely."

Amara was confused but asked.

"You do know them don't you?"

"I do. Elders Connie and Lee are wonderful Elders. I have known them for many years."

Kodiak answered. His eyes on hers.

"Why do you ask?"

Amara fiddled with her bag in her hands looking down. She had to pick her words carefully.

"Why don't they ever write to Fury? He's written them many times and they never answer. Did something happen to them?"

"They are alive and well."

Kodiak assured her.

"I know Fury trusts you because you already know about his grandparents so obviously he has told you something."

"He has talked with me about his past a bit now. If they aren't sick why haven't they returned his letters?"

"Their relationship is a difficult one."

Kodiak leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"It was their son who was Fury's father. After they found out what he and his mate were doing they disowned him. Wanted nothing to do with their own son, let alone his offspring."

"But they took Braden in after his parents died."

Kodiak studied her eyes then for a moment.

"You know much about him now, don't you?"

"Yes and all I want to do is try to help him. That's why I'm here. To make a plea to his grandparents."

Amara shook her head sadly and looked down.

"Everyone deserves to have someone on their side. Family, friends, anyone. It crushes me thinking of Braden placed alone with no one to speak with. He's an amazing Protector and will make this school proud. But...who will tell him this?"

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