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hello hello helloooooo. welcome back to another emily x reader book. only this time things are slightly more chaotic🥰

this book is loosely based off of my favorite move burlesque. i got the idea a few months ago and i couldn't shake it. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do😭

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: swearing, mentions of drinking, NSFW suggested
word count: 3572

The woman woke up with a jolt. She glanced around the room and found her phone as she rubbed her eyes.

7:41 am.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" she cursed as she pulled the blankets off of her and ran towards the bathroom. "God I'm going to fucking get killed."

The entire room fell silent as the doors opened. All the agents kept their eyes forward until they saw the agent walk past them. Both sides of desks were filled with people shamelessly checking out Emily as she walked to the front.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Agent Emily Prentiss," Emily said as she threw her bag down onto the desk. She gently placed down her coffee mug on at the corner as she circled around to the other side. "Spelled P-R-E-N-T-I-S-S. Fairly simple, but you'd be amazed at the various of spelling errors I get."

The class laughed softly as Emily grabbed the marker from the whiteboard and wrote down her name. All the new coming agents watched as she turned back around and leaned over her chair. Emily's eyes scanned the room as she tried to both intimidate and befriend some in the crowd with a single glance.

"Welcome to Profiling one-o-one," Emily said before standing up straight. She forced a smile as she closes the marker in her hands. "As most of you know, I'm the Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit here at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Meaning, I'm in charge and highly respected across all different departments in the FBI. I wouldn't screw up this opportunity if I were any of you. Now, we will b—"

Emily's eyes landed on the doors that opened up. She noticed a young woman trying to slide her way into the room without much detection. When the two locked eyes, Y/n knew she had been done for. She was the only one that came in late.

"How nice of you to join us, Agent," Emily said and clasped her hands together in front of herself.

"I'm sorry, Agent Prentiss," Y/n read off the board. "I overslept and I couldn't—"

"You and I will talk afterward," Emily said as she tapped the marker against her hand. Y/n gulped as she nodded her head. Emily didn't take her eyes off of her as she sat down in an empty seat in the front of the class. "As I was saying, before we begin I'd like to do some class introductions. You all need to know each other very well if you're going to get through this training."

Emily walked around her desk and grabbed her coffee. She took a small sip before locking her eyes on Y/n. "Let's start with you. What's your name, Agent?"

"Y/n. Y/f/n," she said and didn't look away from Emily's eyes. The raven-haired woman ran her tongue over her bottom teeth before averting her eyes. She inhaled sharply as she nodded her head.

"Alright, let's continue," Emily said as her eyes landed on another agent.

The class continued on with this awkwardness in the air. The only one really to blame would be Emily since she stared at Y/n a little too long from time to time. The younger woman was screaming on the inside each time she felt eyes on her. She wanted to know what was bothering Emily enough that she couldn't let the tardiness go. She'd have to sit here in agony forever now.

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