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hello all! very early update since i'm currently busy with the holidays. it's wild there's only 5 more chapters of this book left. where has the time gone?😅

not proofread as usual✨

TW: smut! 18+, NSFW, mirror sex, slight praise, slight degradation, swearing, jealousy
word count: 4012

Three weeks later:

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in!" Grey shouted as she finished wiggling on her heel boots. Dallas walked in and had a small smirk on her face. The brunette woman had two drinks in her hands. "What are you doing?"

"I figure you'd like some liquid courage before going on," Dallas said and slid her over a shot of some mystery liquor. The young woman sniffed it and had to hold back her look of disgust. "I forgot you're not a whiskey drinker."

Grey hummed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Dallas stood behind her and tilted her head slightly. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I like the outfit," Dallas said and shamelessly trailed her eyes over it. Grey could see her mentally undressing her at this moment. She was in a dark purple corset with black accent lace on top of it. Grey just ignored her as best as she could.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Dallas looked down at the phone and saw Emily's name on it. She clenched her jaw as Grey dismissed the call. The young woman rolled her eyes at the way Dallas was staring at her.

"I thought Jade told me that you kicked that FBI agent to the curb," Dallas said and tried to hide the fact that she was angry. Obviously, it wasn't working. Grey could see right through her.

"That's the thing about you and Jade," Grey said as she finished applying her mascara. "You both listen to what you want to hear. I never broke things off with Emily even though Jade wanted me to. It's my life and the last thing I need is for two loveless women telling me what to do with my love life. Plus, she takes care of me."

"She's not good for you," Dallas said sternly. Grey scoffed and closed her mascara before tossing it down.

"And how do you know that?" Grey asked as she turned around to look at Dallas fully. "You don't know anything about her."

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Dallas grabbed the phone and ignored the call. Y/n turned to her with anger in her eyes. "Why is it that whenever I have a crumb of happiness you go ahead and destroy it? What the hell is your problem?"

"Break it off, Grey," Dallas said and flipped the phone so the screen was down. Grey stood up and got into Dallas's face. "Careful."

"Fuck you," Grey said through her teeth. "I suggest that you stay out of my business. After all, the whole reason this club is still running is because of me. I can easily take that away."

Dallas ran her tongue over her top teeth as she nodded her head. Grey smiled wickedly before walking right past Dallas, purposely bumping shoulders with her. The brunette woman sighed heavily once Grey left the room. Dallas was fuming as she made her way out the door.

Meanwhile back in the burlesque bar, Grey's night was a hit. This was the first time in a long time that she would perform the entire night, not just one or two songs. This was a request from Jade who had a photographer present to get some candid pictures.

Grey was the star of the show as usual. Dallas ensured that this night would be the night to capture for their magazine story. The songs were more sensual, the outfits were more revealing, and the dances were much more suggestive.

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