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as most of you know, my tiktok got banned so we're starting from the top! my new username is theprxntisstrialss. follow me on there to be fully updated on chapter and new book releases ☺️

i have a VERY important question at the end of this book. if you guys could answer it, that'd mean the world to me🫶

also not proofread. are we surprised?✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: NSFW, smut!, 18+, handcuffs, restraints, spanking, overstimulating, sex toys
word count: 3709

Two weeks later:

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Emily got up from her seat in the living room and made her way towards the door. The raven-haired woman looked through the peephole and licked her lips slowly.

She sighed before opening the door. Y/n pushed pass her and came inside without saying anything. She took off her coat quickly before crossing her arms.

"Hello, yes, come in," Emily said sarcastically. She shut the door behind her before turning towards Y/n. Emily placed her hands in her pockets as she saw the smoke coming off of Y/n's body. "Wh—"

"What is your problem?" Y/n asked and clenched her jaw. Emily raised her eyebrows, taken back by the tone.

"Excuse me?" Emily asked and took a step towards Y/n. The younger woman grabbed her coat and fumbled her hand into one of her pockets. She grabbed the folded paper and practically threw it at Emily.

"My fucking paper, Emily!" Y/n shouted as Emily didn't bother to pick it up. "A C? I feel like your grading is more harsher on me specifically. That jackass Eric Clark got an A!"

"That's because you completely missed the point of the paper. It was to analyze how each context clue of the house played into, and agreeing or disagreeing, with the initial profile," Emily said and stepped on Y/n's paper as she took a step towards her. "You were on the right track but missed the mark on certain context clues."

Y/n scoffed as she crossed her arms once again. "You're joking right."

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Emily asked and tilted her head to the side. "I'm not changing the grade, especially because of this dramatic scene you're causing."

"You are being ridiculous," Y/n said and rolled her eyes. Emily clenched her hands into fists at the attitude.

"Oh really?" Emily asked sarcastically. "Is that why you've been avoiding me?"

All of that adrenaline immediately vanished from Y/n's veins. She was scared to even say the wrong thing to Emily. Even if she hadn't realized it, she was avoiding Emily.

"I don't know what you're talking about—"

"Save it. You avoid eye contact with me throughout lecture. You give me only the bare minimum response. You leave immediately afterwards without saying anything," Emily said and walked around Y/n slowly. She was studying her body language. Y/n was nervous under her gaze. Her body was screaming at her to stay still, but Emily knew something was bothering Y/n. "So, answer me this question, why are you avoiding me, Agent Y/l/n?"

"I've just—"

"Been busy with your friend?" Emily asked and stood right in front of Y/n once again. She saw Y/n take a deep breath in. "I see I've touched a nerve."

It had been two weeks since the dinner with Jade. Dallas practically forced Y/n to be at the club every day. She wanted everything to go perfect with this story and cover. Dallas was obsessed over the spotlight this would give them.

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