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hello hello helloooooo. midday update because your friendly neighborhood author had a bit too much to drink last night when out😋

i didn't get the chance to proofread this chapter fully. please ignore any errors you see🙏

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: swearing, NSFW suggested, mentions of alcohol
word count: 3400

"Alright, since this program wants to weed out those not fit for it immediately, the field work is about to begin. Each of you will have the opportunity to go on a case with the BAU. You will be monitored closely, and your profiling skills will be criticized by the best at what they do. Each case will be randomly selected, even I won't know what the case is until we get debriefed. You need to clear your schedules entirely. The BAU is called in at the utmost random hours. Be prepared to drop whatever it is you're doing for it," Emily said as she paced back and forth in front of class slowly. Her eyes locked onto one agent in particular. "Agent Y/l/n will be the first to showcase her skills. This coming week, you'll be traveling with us. Your placement in this program will be carefully evaluated from the second you pick up your phone to the second you get back home. Am I clear?"

Y/n clenched her jaw as she felt Emily's eyes stare down at her like an inconvenience. The younger woman smiled forcefully. "Yes ma'am. Crystal clear."

"Good. The rest of you will have to wait until the end of Agent Y/l/n's analysis. I wish you all the best. There's no pressure if you know what you're doing," Emily said and clasped her hands together. "That's all. Go home and prepare for the first examination coming in a few days. You're free to go. Have a great rest of your Friday."

Instantly, the class all got up and packed their things. Emily was no exception since a certain gray-haired woman was on her mind.

"Excuse me, Professor Prentiss?" Y/n asked as she placed her bag on her shoulder. Emily immediately looked up at her through her eyelashes. "Is it alright if I were to trade places with another agent? I didn't realize the field work would be this soon. I need to get the time off of work."

"I'm sorry but that's not possible. The directors wanted a report back from you the earliest," Emily said and cocked her head to the side. "There's no trading."

"Isn't it possible that I can—"

"You're either coming or you're not. You were warned of the hours before you even were accepted into this program," Emily said and clenched her jaw. "Are you telling me that you're willing to throw away this opportunity because of another job?"


"Because if you are, I can happily send the directors the news right now. You need to make this commitment a priority," Emily said and rolled her shoulders back. "If not, don't let the door hit you on your way out."

"I'll be glad to hear from you next week, Professor Prentiss," Y/n said and was mentally, and physically, refraining from snapping at her. She locked eyes with Emily and smiled forcefully. "Thank you."

Y/n didn't say anything else as she turned on her heels and headed up towards the door. She was about to make a clean break when she heard the sound of heels walking.

"Oh, and Agent Y/l/n? A word of advice," Emily called out as she leaned back against the desk. She crossed her arms as she stared down the younger woman. Y/n didn't take her hand off the door handle as she turned back towards Emily. "I'd like for you to be on time for this assignment. You wouldn't want to be late and have someone's blood on your hands because of it. If you don't answer on the fourth ring, consider yourself ejected from this program. Am I clear?"

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