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hello everyone! i hope everyone is having a great saturday. midday update since i was out late last night🫶

not proofread because of course it isn't✨

TW: smut!, NSFW, 18+, sex toys, swearing, spanking
word count: 3727

"I'm telling you the facts!" Luke said and raised his hands up in the air.

"That's not a fact! There's no scientific proof that backs up that green apples are better than red ones," Spencer said and furrowed his eyebrows. "It's an opinion."

"JJ, Tara, help me out here," Luke said and gestured to Spencer. Both women had managed to tune out the conversation until their names were called. "Are red or green apples better?"

"Red," they both said at the same time. Spencer chuckled in amusement.

"What?" Luke said and sat up in his seat. "You cannot be serious!"

"Red apples are sweeter," JJ said and shrugged her shoulders.

"And I'm saying red out of spite," Tara said and didn't look up from her file. Luke rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "I don't like having the same opinion as you."

"I'm just saying—"

The team paused as they heard the sound of heels clicking hard against the floor. They all turned and saw Y/n walking in through the bullpen doors with a paper crumbled in her hand. She practically had flames coming off of her body. Her eyes went directly to Emily's office as she marched up there. The team all looked around at each other with eyes of concern.

She opened the door and immediately shut it behind her. Emily glanced up at whoever it was through her eyelashes. "Sure, come in."

"A B? Seriously?" Y/n said and flattened out the paper on Emily's desk. The raven-haired woman raised her eyebrows. "What the hell is that?"

"Excuse me?" Emily asked and cocked her head to the side.

"You know I deserve better than a B. I caught Edward Smith with Penelope in a hotel room. I did that! I did it on four cups of coffee and half a fucking will to live," Y/n shouted and crumbled the paper in her hand. "You cannot serious tell me you think I deserve a B on my evaluation."

Emily clenched her jaw as she got up and straightened out her blazer. She walked over to the window and saw all the agents quickly turn away from the harsh stare. She shut the blinds just to make sure they weren't being spied on. Emily turned around and interlocked her fingers in front of her.

"I'm not changing the grade for the evaluation. You were good, yes, but I need you to be better," Emily said and took a step near Y/n. The younger woman felt the anger coming off of Emily's body. She hated being questioned on her own calculated decisions. "Plus, you have an attitude problem."

"And for that I deserve a B?" Y/n asked and raised her eyebrows. "You've got to be kidding."

"If you fix your attitude, you would have gotten gold stars across the board," Emily said and smiled forcefully. "Next time, bite your tongue harder. Maybe it'll get you that A."

"I don't have a fucking attitude—"

"Oh really?" Emily asked and placed her hands on her hips. "Yes you do. Either you fix it or—"

"Or what?" Y/n said and took a daring step toward Emily. Y/n saw a switch go off in Emily's head.

Emily grabbed the younger woman by her waist and tugged her forward. The two instantly met in a lustful kiss. Their hands and tongue tried to overpower the other to the best of their abilities. Emily's lips were soft as her intentions with this kiss were anything but that.

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