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hello everyoneee! i hope you all are having a happy saturday. i'm drinking tonight, let's pray i don't hurt my legs further. your friendly neighborhood author is currently in crutches🙃

y'all should know the drill. it's not proofread🤗

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: NSFW suggested, jealousy, mentions of alcohol, minimal swearing
word count: 3300

"There's the woman of the hour," Candy said as she saw Grey run into the hallway. She chuckled as she noticed Grey out of breath. "You're lucky you got here before Dallas. She'd have your head."

"I lost track of time," Grey said and shrugged her shoulders as she entered her dressing room. Candy noticed the way her clothes were messily thrown on. Grey always liked to have at least some coordination with the outfits she wore on and offstage while here at work.

Y/n had run home to grab her bag and change into something more comfortable. She wasn't particularly worried about how good her clothes looked thrown on. But Candy was one to notice every little detail. She'd especially notice if something was deemed out of place. The strawberry blonde woman squinted her eyes as she noticed Grey's puffier lips. She finally connected the dots.

"I hope she was worth it," Candy said and smirked proudly. Grey looked back and furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh, spare me your conservative nature. I can see right through you, Grey. I can see every little detail that indicates you did the nasty with someone."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Grey said and hummed. She grabbed her contact lens case and leaned over the counter. "I just lose track of time with my studying."

"Mhm, sure. I know that someone got fucked," Candy said as she leaned over Grey's body. The gray-haired woman just shrugged her shoulders as she put on her contacts. Candy smiled widely as Grey didn't deny it. "Oh, you kinky, slutty little bottom. Who was it?"

"I'm keeping that a secret," Grey said and smiled innocently. "Just know, it's a miracle I'm even standing. You can thank the adrenaline for that."

Candy squealed in delight as she covered her mouth. "I want all of the juicy details! I want descriptions of positions you were forced in. How hard was it? How many times did you cu—"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Grey!" a voice yelled from the other side of the door. Candy nodded her head as she turned, opening the door only a crack. James stood there with a tray of drinks in his hands. "Is Grey here?"

"You should know I'm always here, James," Grey said and sat down at her vanity. She grabbed the wig off the stand and her hairbrush. "What is it you need? I have a persona to get into."

"Your usual is here," James said as his eyes raked over Candy. She was blocking his view of inside her dressing room. The strawberry blonde woman smiled as she noticed his wandering eyes.

"I have a lot of usuals James," Grey shouted back as she admired herself in the mirror.

"Lady in the suit. The one you normally have a drink with," James said and shrugged his shoulders. "She's at her usual spot. She's the one who always orders a whiskey from Shirley. I'd be careful, she looks extra bitchy tonight."

Y/n felt her heart sink as she heard Emily's description. Why would Emily be here after being with her? It felt like a blow to Y/n that Emily would use her like a sex toy and then come see another woman. Well, theoretically another woman.

"I'll be making a round after your performance. You guys can hound me for drinks then," James said and nodded his head at Candy. The strawberry blonde woman smiled before shutting the door.

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