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can y'all believe that we're three more updates away from the end of this book? time doesn't exist. this has to be one of my favorite books i've ever written🤭

also the views on this story is WILD. y'all are some horny mfs. i see y'all get quiet during the smut chapters. so this is a reminder, TWO HANDS ON THE DEVICE PLS😃

not proofread because yes✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: smut! NSFW, 18+, sex toys, oral sex, swearing, fluffy stuff at the end
word count: 3796

One week later:

The universe was working in Y/n's favor. Emily had been called away on a case and was forced to cancel class for the rest of the week. The young woman ignored any calls and texts from her, since they weren't related to the program.

Of course that luck didn't last long.

Y/n walked into her apartment and noticed a bouquet of red roses at the entrance. The young woman furrowed her eyebrows as she turned on the lights. She noticed a trail of rose petals leading into the apartment further. "What the hell?"

She followed them and noticed fifteen large bouquets all in living room. The flowers ranged from roses, to carnations, to tulips, and to camellias. Some arrangements were even as tall as her. Y/n sighed softly as she crossed her arms.

There was only one reason for them.

"Original, I know," a voice said from behind her. Y/n turned and saw Emily standing in the kitchen. The raven-haired woman had two glasses of red wine in her hand as she walked up to Y/n. "I wanted to make sure the message was clear."

"And that message is?" Y/n asked and grabbed the glass from Emily. The raven-haired woman and her didn't break eye contact as she sipped her wine. Emily's hand fell to the young woman's waist.

"That I'm an asshole, a bitch, and every other name under the sun," Emily said and leaned her head down. "I just—no, actually, there are no justifications. I shouldn't have talked to you that way, ever. I'm sorry."

Y/n inhaled sharply before she took another sip of her wine. This time, she didn't stop at just the sip and continued to drink it. The raven-haired woman watched as Y/n set aside the empty glass and then grab Emily's. The two held eye contact as Y/n finished the rest of the wine in that glass as well. After she was done, she set it aside and wrapped her arms around Emily's neck.

"I'm sorry. I've been trying to wrap my head around the entire situation that we've built, and I guess I am a bit possessive. I may not like your job or the people you work with, but I didn't have a reason to take it out on you. It's just business, and I understand that now. You're right. I have a huge ego and sometimes it gets to me. I'm sorry for the hurtful words that I used. You didn't deserve that," Emily said seriously as she locked eyes with Y/n. The younger woman sighed as she buried a hand into Emily's hair. "I'm sorry, but I never showed you any kind of fake love. If anything, it's an overbearing love."

The young woman nodded her head as she looked between Emily's eyes. She wanted to be mad at Emily still, but she couldn't blame her. Having this job isn't easy, and having a significant other, or whatever Emily was to her, try to adjust to it too wouldn't be easy.

"You are an asshole," Y/n mumbled as she crashed her lips into Emily's. The raven-haired woman immediately leaned down and grabbed one of Y/n's legs by the back of her thighs. Y/n pulled back with a smirk. "And I think I figured out a way for you to make it up to me."

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