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hello everyone! early morning update. your friendly neighborhood author has a lot of places to be. this semester is already looking busy for me🫡

for these last two chapters, there will be NO trigger warnings since they contain spoilers for the end. if you're hesitant to read, please feel free to message me and i'll gladly share them☺️

do i even need to tell you that it's not proofread?✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

word count: 3611

Two Weeks Later:

Y/n's apartment was currently a mess. She was studying for the last big exam for the program in her living room. Needless to say, she had about forty different tabs open on her laptop, about one hundred papers of notes, and various pens, all different colors, scattered everywhere.

However, she was just overdoing it. Y/n knew she was good to go, the studying was just a safety net for her. The young woman let out a loud groan as she tilted her head back. She ran her hands down her face, trying to rub the stress away from her face.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Y/n sighed softly as she got up and headed to the door. When she passed the mirror, she couldn't help but pause and toss her hair around.

She looked like a total mess after studying for hours on end.

Y/n opened the door and noticed the familiar raven-haired woman. Emily looked exhausted but she couldn't help but show the happiness in her eyes once she saw Y/n.

"Hey, you—"

Emily dropped her bag and leaned over, grabbing Y/n's face and kissing her passionately. The younger woman moaned softly into the kiss as her eyes slowly shut. The raven-haired woman savored this deep kiss before pulling back slightly.

"Hi," Y/n whispered as she played with the hem of Emily's blazer.

"Hi," Emily said and kicked the door shut behind her. The raven-haired woman leaned in and kissed Y/n once again. This time, Y/n hummed as she pulled back from the kiss.

"Are you hungry? I can—"

Emily just shook her head as she leaned in and kissed Y/n once again. The young woman smiled against her lips before pulling away.

"Have you eaten—"

Emily grabbed her again and kissed her more urgently this time. The raven-haired woman slipped off her blazer as she felt Y/n pulling back again. Emily quickly discarded the jacket and grabbed Y/n by the waist, tugging her right into her body. Emily wrapped her arms protectively around Y/n as they continued their kiss.

It wasn't until both of them were blue in the face that Emily pulled away. When she did, she had the proudest smirk on her face.

"God, I've missed you," Emily said softly as she gently moved her hand up and swiped her thumb over Y/n's bottom lip. The young woman couldn't help the blush that formed across her face. Emily hummed as she leaned down and kissed Y/n deeply once again.

"What has gotten into you?" Y/n asked, mumbling the question against Emily's lips. The raven-haired woman just pulled back and looked at Y/n. She could see that there was some sadness in Emily's eyes. "Em?"

"It was a bad case," Emily whispered as she finally broke eye contact as she looked down at the floor. The young woman gently placed a finger under Emily's chin and guided her to look at her.

"Talk to me," Y/n said softly. Emily inhaled deeply before letting that air all out. The raven-haired woman took a step forward as she pulled Y/n closer to her. The young woman was equally as stubborn and cocked her head to the side, waiting for an explanation.

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