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sappy salem moment: this is the last update of 2022. this is CRAZY. time really doesn't exist huh? anyways, thank you all for the love and support on all my stories. it's been a blessing being able to create these worlds and have people be so intrigued by them. it's truly wild. if you're traveling, please be careful. if you're over the legal drinking age, please be careful. don't do things i would do😭🫶

happy new year everyone! let's start 2023 with good intentions, love, and support. cheers!🍾

also not proofread because obviously it's me✨

happy readings and stay safe besties- salem🤍🥂

TW: swearing, fighting, NSFW suggested, derogatory comments
word count: 3894

"Here it is," Y/n said as she pushed open the door to her apartment. Emily looked around and smiled softly. After being in Y/n's life for a few months now, it felt strange to know where she stayed at night. Emily couldn't imagine her apartment at all. She figured she slept in a coffin because of how cold-blooded the young woman was.

"This is a nice place," Emily said as she scanned the large living room. She followed after the young woman as she made her way into the bedroom. Once she walked in, Emily was met with a vanity similar to the one in her dressing room. Y/n had about four different wig stands all with a variation of the familiar gray wig on top of it.

Emily looked over her shoulder and noticed Y/n rummaging through a clothing rack with nothing but lingerie on it.

"I can see why it took you so long to bring me here," Emily said and walked over to the clothing rack. "I don't think I've seen you in half of these."

"I have a lot of clothes for work," Y/n said and grabbed a black duffel bag. She saw Emily admiring each piece that she hadn't seen before in her hands. "There's still more in the dressing room and I'm ordering more."

"More clothes? Will I be able to see them up close?" Emily asked and smirked softly. Y/n chuckled as she shook her head. Emily's hands fell onto an all bright red piece. The entire thing was practically see through except over her intimate areas. Emily took it off the rack and walked over to Y/n, placing it down on the bed.

"What's that for? I already have all my clothes for tonight," Y/n said and smiled loosely at Emily. The raven-haired woman had a small blush on her face as she locked eyes with Y/n.

"Nobody is going to see you in that. It's for later tonight," Emily said softly as she leaned over, placing a gentle kiss on Y/n's neck. The word 'tonight' sent a familiar throb straight between Y/n's legs. "I like to be special."

"I can see that. You were very persuasive with this relationship," Y/n said jokingly and walked around the room, gathering her essentials for work. Emily tensed at one specific word. Granted, this was a conversation they should have had a while ago, but Emily avoided it out of fear.

"I don't do relationships," Emily said and shrugged her shoulders. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she continued to pack in silence. She tossed everything onto the bed before she started to be meticulous with the placement in her duffel bag. "I think by now we've established that I'm not a good person and my decision are—questionable. I always figured I'd end up alone. I saw my future and that consisted of a cat and a large pot of coffee, not a big happy family and love."

Y/n smiled softly as she looked at Emily over her shoulder. The raven-haired woman stared directly back at her as she leaned back against the wall.

"The last sucker hurt you deeply, huh?" Y/n asked and turned her attention back to her clothes. Emily chuckled softly as she shook her head.

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