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i hope everyone is having a better day than me. i currently have a headache from too much tequila. but anything for memories 😅

anyways, you all know the drill! this chapter isn't proofread properly because i was drunk and blah blah blah✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: NSFW, masturbation, cursing, mentions of drinking
word count: 3344

"Grey, I couldn't help but notice that the eye candy in a suit is back," Candy said and wiggled her eyebrows. Grey froze up as she grabbed the edge of the curtain. Sure enough, Emily was sitting at her normal booth with a glass of whiskey in her hand.

"You've got to be kidding me. She can't take a hint, can she?" Grey mumbled as she shut the curtain. Candy chuckled as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm telling you, if you won't jump her bones, I will," Candy said and threw her head back, sighing heavily. "She looks like she'd take care of me."

"Places ladies," the stage manager yelled. Soon the loud slow sensual music started. Candy, Grey, and the other girls made their way down to the center stage. All of them locking eyes with a person in front of them. Unfortunately for Grey, right in her line of sight was her own personal demon. She watched Emily as she ran her hands over her body, following the choreography perfectly.

Of course, the club's eyes were all on her, but she remained fixed on Emily. She wanted to know why she was here night after night for this pathetic attempt. She didn't understand how a powerful asshole like Emily could be this submissive and attentive towards her here. Granted, Emily didn't know it was her.

Once the music cut, Grey immediately ran off stage. She just wanted this simple job to get her through to the FBI. That's all she wanted, and of course the universe decided to have fun with her for it.

"Grey, your admirer is asking for you at the usual spot," James said, dropping off drinks for the rest of the girls in the lounge area.

"I'd wish she find a cork in it," Grey mumbled and rolled her eyes. Candy crossed her arms as she leaned against the doorway.

"Oh hush up. If you weren't interested, you wouldn't have talked to her in the first place. You want her to get kicked to the curb, you know exactly what to do," Candy said and gestured to one of the security guards down the hall. "But of course you won't do that. You want revenge."

"She gets to toy with me at work with some unobtainable standard, why can't I do the same here with her? I'm practically powerless with her Candy," Grey said and rolled her eyes. "Plus, after my usuals see me with her, their price for a drink normally jumps whenever she leaves. She's making my money for me by being annoying."

"So you do like her here then?" Candy asked and had a knowing smirk on her face. Grey rolled her eyes as she walked off without another word. "You love me!

It didn't take long for Grey to approach the familiar booth.

"Well, well, well. Hello, Agent Prentiss," Grey said and walked up to the booth. Emily looked up at her with a smug grin and a hand wrapped around her glass of whiskey. "This is a surprise."

"There she is! I was wondering where you ran off to after your set," Emily said and shamelessly racked her eyes over Grey's body. She was wearing a black and red corset that hugged her perfectly. Emily also glanced down at the fishnets and heel boots on her perfect legs. Of course, she couldn't forget her signature black face mask, bold red lip, and gray hair styled to perfection. "You look amazing."

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