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your friendly neighborhood author is 2/3 done with midterms, but i still have lots of homework to do. women in stem things🫡

not proofread! 🥰

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: NSFW, smut, 18+, swearing, mentions of alcohol, praise kink, sex toys, begging, oral sex
word count: 4000

Y/n was currently in hell. She made her way into the classroom about five minutes before class began. When she entered, she noticed Emily sitting and typing away at her laptop. The raven-haired woman glanced up and saw Y/n.

"Good morning," Y/n mumbled and quickly got to her seat. Emily raised an eyebrow and stood up.

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked and made her way around the desk. The younger woman looked at her confused before checking her watch. She had the right time. "I sent out an email that said I canceled class for today."

"Oh," Y/n said softly. Maybe she should learn to check her emails more. This awkwardness was all on her. "I'm sorry, I've—I've not been in the best headspace recently."

"I see," Emily said and leaned back against the desk. Y/n kept her eyes down as she felt Emily burn holes into her. "I confess that I also have been feeling the same. I'm trying to learn different ways to release my frustrations without breaking other people in the process. That's why I canceled class."

Y/n nodded her head and finally looked up at Emily. The young woman could almost see the crack in Emily's powerful demeanor, but Y/n couldn't feel bad for what she said.

Emily made her decision at the end of the day.

"If that's it, you're free to go. Class will resume next week," Emily said and nodded her head. Y/n didn't say anything else as Emily went back to work.

The younger woman was a bit confused as to why Emily didn't mention anything about them sleeping together. She figured that Emily would at least make a snarky comment. However, Y/n didn't push the topic of it. She would rather take the quiet, depressed Emily than the sarcastic, mean one.

Y/n got up and headed out of the classroom without another word. Emily flicked her eyes over to her, watching her as she walked away. Her eyes instantly falling to the exposed skin that Y/n had to offer. She was dressed in a more conservative skirt today, but Emily still couldn't tear her eyes away as Y/n walked out of the room. The raven-haired woman leaned back into her seat as she inhaled sharply.

She'd give anything to blow off some steam with Y/n. The universe knows she has a lot to burn off. But she couldn't get Grey's last words to her out of her head.

"I hope this was worth it."

Grey didn't want anything to do with Emily. Y/n deserved better to be caught up in this mess. Emily wanted to prove if she didn't go back with Y/n, then maybe the dancer would see her again. Y/n hated her anyways. Emily knew it was a long shot but it was worth a try.

Well, she was desperately trying to get her thoughts in order. It didn't make sense at all. Emily didn't know what she wanted at this point. If she wanted Grey, she'd lose Y/n. If she wanted Y/n, she'd have to stay away from the burlesque bar.

Emily was a mess.

"Shit," Emily whispered as she ran her hands down her face. This was definitely going to be harder than she thought.

This woman was going to drive her insane.

It was a few hours later, and Grey finished up her third set of conversations for the night. She was in the middle of pushing and pulling two older men that resulted in her getting more money because of this game. The young woman needed to be distracted and listening to anyone who gave her attention was doing it's job. Plus, her rates went up and her drinks were free. It'd be stupid of her to sit and sulk about Emily when she could get paid to talk instead.

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