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i had a job interview yesterday and i'm proud to announce that I GOT ITTTT🥳 i'm so excited for this position, but we will see how it will affect future book updates. thank you all who reached out and wished me good luck. you're the best🫶

also not proofread, but you know that already✨

happy readings and stay safe besties- salem🤍

TW: NSFW suggested, mentions of alcohol, jealousy, swearing
word count: 3563

"Grey!" Candy shouted as she ran down the hallway in quick steps. "There you are! Dallas has been going crazy looking for you!"

"I'm sorry I had to fend off Emily. I swear her stamina gets higher and higher each day," Grey said simply. The young woman only realized her mistake when she turned and saw Candy a little bit away from her because she stopped in her tracks. Grey's eyes widened as she noticed Candy's large grin.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew there was a reason you hated her more than normal," Candy said and pointed a finger at Grey. "You kinky little shit! Please tell me you've gotten your brains fucked in her office. Maybe even in the classroom? Have you tried taking her gun and stuf—"

Grey grabbed Candy and tugged her into the dressing room. The young woman finally registered what Candy said and furrowed her eyebrows. "Have I done what with a gun—never mind. I don't want to know where your mind goes."

"People are different. Don't kink shame," Candy said and crossed her arms. Grey rolled her eyes as she got out her essentials. "Why are you here anyways? I thought you were off today?"

"I am, but Dallas is being Dallas and wants me to entertain her business friend," Grey said and put in her contacts. "I don't see why she's so obsessed about getting this story from her. I'm sure she could have persuaded her to do it even without my help."

"I'm sure there's a reason for it. You're really good at persuading people," Candy said and nodded her head. She watched as Grey tamed her hair enough to fit it in the wig cap. Candy had never really seen this process before. She was amazed by how much glue had to be used. "I don't know why you wear the wig. You have such beautiful hair."

"It's a persona that Dallas likes. I can't stop it now," Grey said and slowly slipped her wig on. "Plus, it allows me to keep some privacy. I'm sure things with Emily would be different if she met me here without any of this stuff on."

"I'm sure the two of you would have found your way here, fucking each other's brains out," Candy said and walked towards Grey. The two women laughed as Candy placed her hands on her shoulders. "Which I'm still missing a lot of details by the way. I need to know if it's good. I'm not going to have you bending over desks for a weak strap game."

Grey laughed and shook her head. Candy wiggled her eyebrows as she waited for an answer. "It's so good, Candy."

"I knew it! That's my girl," Candy said and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Grey tightly. The two swayed back and forth as they just enjoyed each other's presence.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Coming!" Candy shouted as she pulled away from Grey. She walked over and opened the door to see Dallas on the other side. She wore an all black suit and a face of anger. "Hello Mama Dal—"

"Leave us, Candy," Dallas said and walked into the dressing room. The strawberry-blonde woman nodded her head and left the room without another word. Dallas immediately slammed the door shut behind her. "Where the hell were you?"

"I'm sorry I have other things to do," Grey said sarcastically as she leaned over, concentrating on her makeup. Dallas clenched her jaw tightly and stuffed her hands in her pockets. "Besides, I have twenty whole minutes before I'm a puppet to you."

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