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hello everyone! i've been asleep for the past 12 hours straight because my finals, and stress about them, are officially over. i'm off to sleep for another 5 hours😅

not proofread but y'all already knew that🫶

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: mentions of alcohol consumption, swearing, NSFW suggested, slight praise kink
word count: 3636

Y/n sighed as she paced back and forth in the bathroom. She was avoiding the classroom for as long as possible. Last night, Y/n tried to call Emily as soon as she got home.

She called eleven times just like Emily had and there was no answer.

The young woman refrained from showing up at her apartment at three in the morning for both nights they spent apart. Y/n still wanted to check on Emily, but now that she was here about to see her, her anxiety was at an all time high.

"Get it together. It's probably fine," Y/n said and looked at herself in the mirror. The younger woman gently smacked her hands against her cheeks, trying to snap herself out of this terror. Y/n held eye contact with herself before placing her hands at her sides. She smiled softly to trick her brain of her true emotions before walking out of the bathroom.

Y/n made her way towards the classroom. She thought it would be empty but it wasn't. Students had shown up earlier than usual today. Y/n huffed as she saw Emily happily talking to one of them. She walked in and made her way towards her usual seat.

She could feel the dagger eyes on her from the moment she walked in. Emily didn't try to hide the fact that she was staring at Y/n. However, when Y/n turned to look at her, Emily looked away and continued her conversation from before.

The younger woman felt pathetic as she tried to keep it together. She wanted to scream at Emily to talk to her. The last thing she needed was to play a guessing game.

"Let's go ahead and get started," Emily announced and made her way over towards Y/n. The young woman glanced up at Emily as she didn't bother looking at her. The raven-haired woman could feel the pleading eyes on her but she withheld looking down.

The rest of the class was hell for Y/n. She felt like her situationship with Emily had taken about twenty-thousand steps back. The younger woman couldn't stand this treatment after knowing that Emily could be kinder to her.

Once class was over, all the rest of the agents left in a hurry. Emily was now stuck with Y/n as she tried to keep her eyes off of the younger woman. Y/n watched the door shut as the last student left. She made her way over to Emily's desk and crossed her arms. "What was that?"

"Excuse me?" Emily asked as she picked her head up, finally looking at Y/n. She had a fire behind her eyes already.

"I tried to call you," Y/n said and clenched her jaw. "I—I heard the voice message you sent me. It sounded important."

Emily shrugged her shoulders as she stared Y/n down. The younger woman looked around the room to ensure that nobody was watching them. She reached out and placed her hand on Emily's. This caused the raven-haired woman to tense up.

"I was out to dinner with a friend. I had my phone on silent. As soon as dinner was done, I tried to call you," Y/n said and curled her hand around Emily's. "Just talk to me."

"Agent Y/l/n, what you do on your free time is none of my business," Emily said and looked straight ahead, pulling her hand away from Y/n. "I dealt with it."

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