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salem life update: thank you all for being patient with my return. life has been very hectic since the last update. i've been swamped with work and school and my personal life. i barely have time to breathe. thank you all for staying and expressing your love on this story. also thank you for those that reached out to me during this time. you are the best🫶

also here's to two weeks of sobriety for me. it's been rough🙏

not proofread ✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: NSFW mentioned, 18+, smut, swearing
word count: 4022

Emily had a problem at the moment.

"God," Emily whimpered as she threw her head back. She shut her eyes as she continued her pace. "Fuck!"

"Emily," Y/n moaned against the pillows. The raven-haired woman wanted her in the perfect position before she used Y/n to relieve her stress. So that led Y/n to be here, face down, ass up as Emily happily used her.

Emily groaned as her hips started to move sloppily. The raven-haired woman's eyes rolled to the back of her head as the toy kept rubbing against her clit perfectly. Y/n felt the familiar rush in her veins for the fourth time now.

The younger woman's moans were muffled against the pillows. Emily's stomach tightened before she felt her orgasm wash over her. She slowly stopped moving her hips as she dragged out her high, leaving Y/n to try and chase her own.

"Emily," Y/n whimpered softly. "I was so close."

"Stay perfectly still," Emily warned as she kneaded the soft skin of Y/n's ass. The raven-haired woman leaned forward and licked up her cunt slowly. Y/n moaned as she stayed still. Emily smirked at the woman's obedience.

"Shit," Y/n mumbled and grind back into her. Emily flicked her tongue fast against her clit before flattening it and licking the entire length of her cunt. She pulled Y/n back and sucked on her clit harshly. Y/n pleaded for her to do something which resulted in two fingers entering her. "Oh, God."

Emily curled her fingers perfectly, hitting Y/n's g-spot. The younger woman's moans only increased as Emily sucked on her clit.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" Y/n moaned out and tried to grind into Emily's face. Her entire body was fighting to feel the sweet release of her orgasm. "Please don't stop. Fuck!"

"Agent Prentiss?"

Emily snapped out of her daydream and looked up. Familiar eyes stared back at her.

See, the problem was that now all of Emily's thoughts were centered around this woman. Emily's mind played out each time they had sex and all the details. She fantasized about being with Y/n every time it was quiet enough for her sinful thoughts to take over.

Y/n raised her eyebrows, still waiting for an answer. The younger woman gave Emily the paper in her hand. Emily chuckled and smiled. "Right, thank you."

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked and tilted her head. Emily glanced around the room and noticed Y/n was the last person to turn in the exam. Emily's eyes moved down and saw the hem of her skirt. This piece of clothing was enough to make Emily daydream during the entire exam.

"What did I tell you about the skirt?" Emily asked and looked up at Y/n through her eyelashes. She leaned back in her chair as she didn't break eye contact with Y/n.

"You didn't seem to mind last week," Y/n said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Look at what happened afterwards," Emily said and smirked proudly. Y/n immediately felt a familiar throbbing in between her legs. Emily looked as though she was about to slam her down and devour her right here. "If my memory is correct, you had trouble walking the next morning."

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