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semi-early update. your friendly neighborhood author needs to do some shopping to bring in the new year. my rocker fashion style is still prevailing 🙏

also i saw a comment on here a while ago asking people what they think dallas looks like and i'm curious! 👀

not proofread because it's me duh✨

TW: swearing, jealousy, NSFW suggested
word count: 3688

Two Weeks Later:

Emily and Y/n quickly pulled into the club's parking lot. The raven-haired woman parked the car before turning towards Y/n.

"You're not coming in?" Y/n asked and raised her eyebrows. Emily glanced over at the club and sighed softly. "It's been three weeks since you were last in there."

"And I still haven't forgave myself for the way I talked to you that night," Emily said as she intertwined their hands together. Y/n nodded her head as she kissed Emily's knuckles. "Plus, I don't feel like going to jail for assault and battery on every man who has the nerve to stare at you. It makes me angry just thinking about it."

"Then take your anger out on me tonight," Y/n said as she leaned over the car console and kissed Emily's cheek. The raven-haired woman turned her head and captured her lips in a kiss. Both of their hands instantly started to wander as a result.

"Okay, if we continue, you're going to miss your shift," Emily whispered and pulled back slightly. Her forehead rested gently against Y/n's. The young woman sighed sadly as she nodded her head.

Emily got out of the car and grabbed Y/n's bag from the backseat. The raven-haired woman handed it to the young woman as she stepped out of the car.

"I'll pick you up at midnight, okay?" Emily said softly. Y/n nodded her head as she leaned forward and kissed Emily once again.

"Grey!" a familiar voice shouted. This caused the two to pull away from each other and glance in that direction. Candy noticed Emily there and immediately stopped in her tracks. "Shit! Sorry!"

"Don't worry. I'm just dropping her off," Emily said and turned her attention back to Y/n. She leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. "I'll see you later."

"Bye," Y/n said softly as she turned and made her way over to Candy. The strawberry-blonde woman shimmed her shoulders as a wide smile spread on her face. "Hi, Candy."

"Hi, lover girl," Candy said as she hooked her arm in Grey's. She pushed her weight slightly against her as they made their way inside. "I need details."

After six hours, a few drinks, and one in-depth talk with Candy later, Grey found herself in her dressing room. She carefully took off the uncomfortable wig and wig cap. She also quickly changed into comfortable clothing.

She inhaled and exhaled evenly before she started to remove her jewelry. She thought all was peaceful for this one shift. That was until the door swung open and Dallas walked in. It was slammed shut to let the young woman know she was mad.

"Of course," Grey mumbled as she didn't take her eyes off of herself.

"Where were you?" Dallas asked and crossed her arms.

"You don't want to know what I was doing before I came in for my shift," Grey said with a smirk as she took off her earrings. "My shift started at six, and the cameras in the parking lot can vouch that I was here at five-thirty."

"Did you forget you needed to meet Jade and I at Marcel's?" Dallas asked and clenched her jaw. Grey shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed a makeup wipe. Dallas scoffed and walked over to Grey. She stood directly behind her as she carefully watched her take off her makeup.

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